§ CAN'T I ? §


Kraig was just at Yanarym's house and found out that she had already left. He could not contact her because his communicator had been destroyed from the recent endeavor he had from out of town. 

When he reached the gate of the academy he saw Marcus' tall stature that was standing right after Yanarym. He frowned just at the sight of seeing Marcus but what had him halt was seeing Yanarym smiling at another man…

Kraig knew who that was. He remembered the face but forgot where he met him. One thing that rang in his mind was that the man liked Yanarym. Why would Marcus just stand and watch over there? Kraig found himself running in her direction and stopped a few meters away because he realized how foolish he looked just by sprinting like an excited kid. It was too late when he stopped though, she already swerved her sight and saw him coming to her.