That was right, each curse Tiana did in Yanarym would shorten her life. As she kept on adding and making those curses stronger, it started to consume her. She would die not long after Yanarym did. Yet, that didn't bother her the slightest, because like what she had mentioned, she would be reborn, as a goddess. And if that happened, she would find Francis' reincarnation and persecute him for fooling her! 

Matteo walked to the altar and saw a lot of curses were created and implemented all at once. His eyes narrowed, and he knew that if these curses were to be broken, Tiana would immediately die for not being able to fulfill the curse demand. This black magic would take Tiana's soul instead of Yanarym's. 

It was double-edged dark magic. Only desperate people who would not care for their lives could perform this horrific casting magic.