Obviously, Spencer appeared not to be aware of Hansel's interaction with Yanarym. 

"I don't know that Hansel knew Rym," Spencer said truthfully. Admitting that he never introduced them to each other. Now, he is guessing how the two meet up and that it escalated for this to happen. 

Hansel wasted his time and resources on my girlfriend? Spencer tried to sound Gale to give him a hint with this confusion. 

"It was when Rym had an overnight stay at my place," Gale started, "we had an agreement to see each other that night but forgot to set a specific schedule to meet up." 

"It was 10 o'clock when I tried to call her but found out that her phone was in Hansel's possession. He picked it up when Rym lost her cell phone during her stroll on the library's aisle."