"No, you suck at it baby-" Spencer was trying to wrap up his head to stop the catastrophe. He didn't want to lose composure for the second time. 

"I suck?! Are you serious? I'm pretty sure you were so satisfied-" Yanarym protested and tried to reach for his member but he caught her hands trying to sneak on him. He smiled at her and pecked on her cheeks. 

"Baby, you can't argue with me, I'm your first and definitely your last. While me? I had experienced a hundred women already. I know when you suck at sex, you suck at pleasuring men." He whispered to her with a teasing smile. 

Yanarym gaped at him, she knows she didn't suck at this. "I suck pleasuring men? Should I try it on other men just to be sur-"

"Don't you dare." His eyes darkened, discerning what she meant by that. "I will kill you both." 

"Admit it that I am good!"

"You are not, don't be stubborn."