Loss. I

She didn't know how to react when she found out the only person she loved in this world was gone. She wish she could save her, but the inevitability of death was true, very true indeed. Death, respected no one. The rich nor the poor, it came at a particular time and took whomever it wanted to. And it seemed as tho her time had come. 

Isabelle stood there staring at the dead body in an open coffin. Her mother laid in there , eyes closed and dressed in white. Those face which held several emotions held no emotions and the pretty face that made everyone smile was now hidden from the world forever, till it disintegrates into nothingness.

Isabelle's eyes were dried, tears had ceased to come. She had cried her heart out previous nights not wanting to believe her beloved mother was gone. With a blank expression Isabelle held on her face while seeing her mother's lifeless body in that coffin made her realize the world was a cruel place.

Her father Gabriel, left her mother "for a much younger woman" he said. She hasn't seen the woman before but God knows she would be beautiful, she knew her father had good taste in things especially women, that was how he ended up marrying her mother who perhaps was no longer beautiful in his eyes . Isabelle was just fifteen when she found out her mother has been battling with cancer for four years. 

'' How could she have kept this from me?''. She kept asking herself. There were times when she would see her mother wheezing and struggling to breeze, clutching her chest. She asked her why it happened but she simply smiled and said she had Asthma.

" Even if she had told me. I couldn't do nothing" she sighed sadly and looked at the guests that arrived dressed in black. Those looks on their faces where probably a facade, those whisperings she heard was gossips. Isabelle eyes scanned the quests that arrived looking for a particular someone, hoping he would be here, even tho he didnt care about them and left maybe he would've cared about his ex wife's death. But, he wasn't there.

She looked up at the sky, it was pretty obvious it also wasn't happy with the occasion that took place , the frown on its face was evident and it seems as tho it was questioning life with its continues grumbling. She turned and began walking away not waiting for any visitors to come console her or ask any question. She stepped into the limousine and it drove away.

After the burial ceremony, she informed Mrs Noel to lock the mansion gates. She didn't want any visitors, no one to pay any condolence visits or whatsoever. She couldn't bear any of their fake concerns, She was fed up with them.

Mrs Noel, Clara and Candice watched the girl as she made her way up the stairs. Mr Orlando had excused himself to go hide in the bathroom and cry a bit. Mrs Noel also excused herself, she didn't want anyone see her cry. It was indeed sad to have the person who has helped you so much die. 

Isabelle spent her most of her time in the Art studio painting her pain away , sometimes in the music room composing any heart breaking song she would think of. The music room held a lot of memories of her mom. 

As Isabelle ran her hands lightly on the keys of the piano. The memories came flooding in.

Her mom had surprised her with a piano for her 12th birthday. She sat on a stool and watched her mother play.

"Wow. mom, you know how to play the piano?" Little Isabelle asked as her eyes lit up to see her mom play.

"Indeed I do, I got myself enrolled in music school after I graduated from High school. that's when I got to learn a lot of instruments". Her mother's face beamed with a smile as she began playing.

" Mom? will you also teach me how to play the piano?".

"Well when I'm less busy I will but don't worry I'll get Mrs Ronnie to teach you just in case I'm busy with work. She's also teaches music." 

Sometimes Isabelle and her mom were the perfect due. Not only was her mom good at instruments, she could also sing too. Isabelle would play the Violin as her mom took it away hitting high notes. The maids and Butler were their audience. They were happy whenever the two performed.

Before her mother's death, her will had been transferred into Isabelle's name. She knew she was going to die really soon, so she had no choice but to do it. But what could a fifteen year old do with such amount of money?

Despite the fact that they were rich, she wasn't the type who would go out to late night parties or get drunk. As a matter of fact she doesn't have an inkling to what an Alcohol tasted like.

Unlike other teenagers, she lived a secluded lifestyle. She did use the technologies which man kind has created but to be addicted or be called a fan of the social media world wasn't her thing.

She would lock herself up in the library studying all day. Reading the tons of books and novels. or spending her time with her mother who didn't welcome the idea of her having friends. She once urged Isabelle to read the encyclopedia which became an hobby for her. 

One would describe Isabelle's life as boring and uninteresting, judging from a teenager's perspective but then this boring and uninteresting lifestyle of hers was what made her happy.

She never got mixed with the outside world, she had no friends and was home schooled. Due to the fact that her father had left, she got swarmed with questions at such an early age, kids would bully her at school because her father wasn't there.

Making a mockery of her for being fatherless. There had been events in school which would involve kids bringing their dads, this resulted to little Isabelle crying home and running into her mother's arms wishing her dad would be there.

Her mother realizing it was too much for Isabelle for she was just 5, she withdrew her from school and got her home schooled by Mrs. Ronnie.

Isabelle was happy that the only friend she had was her mother. It was all she ever asked for because she never lacked. For they were well to do.

But the world took away the only thing she asked for.