
The General and The Miss. i.

Both women chuckled at their single minded talks and it turned Nya's stomach. She could help but agree that he was much more handsome than the last time. She starred at him while her ears picked up the conversation he was having.

Henz must've sensed her gaze because his eyes shifted from the person he was talking to and it landed on her, they exchanged stared for a couple of seconds and Nya feeling it was a bit too much for her excuses herself from the room.

General Henz ended the conversation briefly after Nya had left.

"Thank you for bringing up such an important issue, I will make sure to look into it" Henz slightly bowed his head making his way to the door which Nya had exited.

A bit of fear crept into the heart of Cyrene, he did not fail to see what had just happened. He hadn't yet confessed his feelings to Nya and he didn't want Henz to have the liberty to do so.

With a flick of his finger, he got the attention of a female entertainer amongst the many other entertainers who were paid to perform and keep the tea party lively. Lord Cyrene wanted to give the people something to talk about, he didn't want an ordinary tea party.

The female dance whose name was Helen, turned to look at the person Cyrene was pointing at. Understanding what he meant, she found her way through the crowd, light on her feet.

Henz walked confidently through the long hallway in search of Nya. He hadn't walked for long when he caught sight of her sitting on a swing outside. Helen saw he was about to exit the hallway, she put her skills to good use.

"General Henz!" She called out his name with a pretend trip and a gracious fall.

"Ow!" She groaned looking twisted. Helen calling out Henz didn't only grab his attention but also Nya's who turned back to see Henz walking away from her direction, she slowly got off the swing.

"What was that all about?" She asked herself.

"Are you okay miss?" Henz bent on one knee like the gentlemen that he is.

"I'm not General. My ankle. I..I think it's broken. I don't think I'll be able to walk General and I still have to perform."

"Please call me Henz. I understand, performing is what you were paid to do." He spared a second to look at her ankle and then asked. "Do you mind me carrying you?"

"I absolutely do not. You don't expect me to carry myself with a broken ankle now do you?"

"Hold on to me." He bent forward lifting her.

Nya seeing Henz attempting to lift Helen, she rushed to intrude.

"Let me see her feet."

"Oh! It's broken, she fell." Henz replied. After a few squeezing from Nya and a few fake ouch's from Helen, Nya concluded.

"It's not broken, sprained maybe." Nya said with a neutral face.

"How do you know that? You're not a doctor?" Helen said, unhappy with Nya's presence.

"And who says I'm not a doctor?" Nya replied, her eyes still fixated on the ankle while trying to ignore the lady being in Henz arms.

Helen's gaze shifted from Henz to Nya, trying her luck she said.

"Um Henz can you please take me to one of the rooms so I can rest? This young lady isn't making the situation any better." Helen placed her right hand on Henz chest.

Turning to Nya, he said. "I'll see you later."

Nya didn't respond, she sighed internally as she watched him walk away with the lady in his arms and then she remembered he would have to lay her in bed. Random images appeared in her head, images she wasn't very fond of and this prompted her to follow the general. The closer she got, her heartbeat accelerated. She tried to calm herself by slowly breathing but she couldn't, her saliva became hard to swallow when she saw him enter a room down the hallway.

 Nya clutched her dress tighter, her body itched to know what was going on in the room between the general and the Miss or if anything was going on. There was no way for Nya to go in, she decided to get a cup of water from the kitchen, it was the only way she could gain access to the room.

"I figured you would need some water after that unpleasant fall." Nya commented as she opened the door. She internally sighed when she saw they both had their clothes on and nothing funny was going on.

Helen didn't know why Nya would want to personally bring water for her. She didn't appreciate Nya's presence in the room at all, she had already succeeded in getting the general's attention and she didn't need Nya's presence.

"Thank you Nya, that was very thoughtful of you." Henz remarked seeing Nya brought water for Helen.

"Oh so Nya is the name? I'm Helen."

"Nice to meet you Helen." Nya responded wondering why Henz was still in the room.

'He was to drop her and leave, why is he still here?'

Helen looked at Nya and began wondering why she was still in the room.

"Thank you for the water." Helen smiled 'Now leave will you?' she said inwardly.

"How do you feel now?" Henz asks Helen.

"Much better. I'd like to rest now please." Helen looked at Nya hoping she got the hint to leave.

"That's good, you need some rest. We'll be taking our leave." Nya responded hinting that she and the general are leaving which alerted Helen.

"I should take my leave now." Henz took a slight bow.

"Not you Henz". Helen uttered in a soothing tone.

'Did she just address him by his name?' Nya noticed, she paused with a quizzical look on her face.

"Can you please excuse us Nya?" Helen said.

Nya slightly bowed at the general and excused herself.

"What in the world was that?" She thought.