[Ch.98] A War Between the Heart and Brain (Past)

Sylvia ushered the villagers to safety as quickly as she could. If they had stayed where the army had been lying in wait, they would have surely all perished in the fight that ensued. Their only chance of survival was to run and hope they could escape those pursuing them.

They had put several miles between them already, but Sylvia felt herself hesitate. She couldn't explain why, but she had the urge to run back to where Moao was fighting. 

Even if she was the strongest person on the continent, she was only one person against an entire army.

Mi grabbed her hands, "You should go."

Sylvia shook her head slowly, "I can't leave you. Moao said to get you to safety."

Mi shook her head, "We have been running for so long that it is in our nature. We can survive on our own by hiding just like we had before. We'll be fine, so don't worry about leaving us behind."