Chapter 106: Infiltration of the Hope Guild? (2)

"Charlotte… was a leader of the Hope Guild?"

Hannah and the others could only look at each other as they heard Bulwark's sudden revelation, which was followed by an eerie silence as the sound of footsteps lightly echoed through the air as the other staff of the Shaved Ice store all left through the backdoor.

"...I feel like we heard something we shouldn't have," Gary then whispered, "...Are they going to kill us after?"

"Shh!" Hannah then shushed Gary, her hiss louder than Gary's words. And slowly, she, Silvie, and Gary all returned to their seats; their eyes watching the quiet scenery.

Hannah already guessed that Charlotte's identity was not simple. But to think she was the previous leader of the Hope Guild? Then that would mean she was-- Of course, it's all starting to make sense now;