Chapter 181: Drama in Mega Academy

"Why… are you not accepting my calls?"

"Julius… how… are you here?"

Hannah had been trying to avoid Julius Reuben ever since they came back to the Academy; she had been successful doing so without fail even though she didn't have her phone with her for the others to let her know where he currently was.

But seeing as how Julius is suddenly here…

"...How did you know I was here?" Hannah then asked; freeing her mind of the thoughts that would otherwise fill it.

"I didn't," Julius shook his head and sighed, "I heard Whiteking and Prophet were friends– it's not hard to put two and two together, really."

Julius then let out a small chuckle; his leg slightly trembling as he did so, causing him to put more weight in the cane he was holding.

"Are you… okay?" Hannah could not help but ask.