Chapter 209: Sudden Development

"No cameras!"

"Please step aside! We're not going to ask twice!"

"Move or we will be forced to kick you out!"

Riley's eyes were once again blanketed by a bright light; this time, however, it came in flashes of white. Unlike the core of the Earth which was a consistent and almost organic luminance, the almost endless clicks that were snapping in the air right now showered Riley in a storm– almost erasing him due to the light merging with his white hair and skin.

Snap, snap, snap– the shutters of the cameras that were pointed at him did not stop. Even with the consistent warnings of the men wearing red uniforms, the reporters did not budge.

This was the 2nd time Riley Ross was walking in a hall, surrounded by a number of people who had a number of questions equal to that of the flashes bombarding him. The first one, he walked with his family in the halls of the Academy.

This time, however, he walked alone.