Chapter 410: Conversation Between Two Queens

  "I didn't get to take a good look outside, but this really is a large ship, isn't it? The Goliath space station is like a baby compared to it. I suppose it makes sense since they run so fast… but why are they just mostly walking right now?"

"These aliens are ruining everything."

"...I didn't expect to hear that from you."

In the gigantic hallways of the evaniel's ship, Paige, Tomoe, Riley, and Val were just casually walking around; just seemingly minding their own business as they talked to each other without a care for the evaniels.

And the evaniels were the same, they didn't seem to care for them that much; much less even glance at them as they go on about their ways. After all, from the outside, they just looked like any other evaniels out there. Silver hair, with faint markings on their skin— courtesy of Paige's abilities.