Chapter 460: Riley The Space Pirate

There were two forces that ultimately kept peace and order throughout the Known Universe. First, were the Guardians— they could be considered to be the ones that are sent first to deal with the threat. They were feared, but at the same time, respected.

And second, the Common Cosmic Military, or as the name they are known, the Lahestia. They were the ones that would prevent any threats from happening in the first place; or if it had already passed, then they were the ones to clean up the mess and make sure that it doesn't happen.

Unlike the Guardians, who had the tendency to go off on their own and decide on their own since they were chosen, the Lahestia were born in the service, making them creatures of absolute order, habit, and obedience.

No matter where they were sent, not even an ounce of complaint or hesitation would be heard from them. And right now, a platoon of them were stationed at one of the planets at the edge of the Known Universe, Hotis 4J.