Chapter 534: We Meet Again

"By clapping my hands, Professor Riley."

Esme put her hands together, causing Zac to flinch and almost take a step back; his eyes, completely fixated on her hands. This might just seem like a simple gesture, but knowing what he knows about Esme's true strength, Zac could not help but feel a little nervous.

Princess Esme is on the Grand Militia's watchlist, a list that also included Caitlain'Ur, Princess Aerith, and a few more others. Esme is at the bottom of that list, of course—as she was not really prone to violence, and she also follows the laws as strictly as she could… on her own terms.

"I wonder if you really can kill me, Princess Esme."

Riley also looked at Esme's hands; his eyes, however, showed no fear. Instead, there was a hint of excitement in them, almost as if he wanted to try it already.

"But I do not want to, Professor Riley," Esme quickly separated her hands, once again placing them behind her back.