Chapter 594: Time To Cause Trouble?

[The Ahor Zai.

An infrastructure marvel that has existed for hundreds of millions of years. When civilizations rise and fall, Ahor Zai remains. Most of the civilizations that have built it have long become extinct, it is rumored to have been made during the Time of the Gods.

The Ahor Zai houses the Common Council, a council made of representatives from the most technologically advanced civilizations in the Known Universe.

It holds the entire history of the Known Universe. But alas, most of the accounts during the Time of the Gods have been erased—courtesy of the god of the evaniels and the war that happened during their time.

History was not the only thing that was erased during the war, civilizations were too. There used to be hundreds of Elders in the Common Council, but now there are only 7—none of them pioneers. Almost all of the civilizations during that time were erased, regressed, or just chose to close themselves off from the rest of the Universe.