Chapter 622: In The Skies

"All of you are now at the mercy of Princess Aerith of Hel!"

"What… is he doing?"

"Is… that true, Princess Aerith!?"

"No! None of you are in my mercy! We are all equals!"

Aerith was currently somewhere on Theran—a lush glade that was surrounded by an even more lush forest as its perimeter; the noise that the trees make as they were blown by the wind, enough to camouflage whatever noise happens to sing within its domain.

And camouflage is exactly what Aerith needed right now, as she was currently being surrounded by more than a hundred themarians, and more seemed to be stepping out from the trees around them.

A handful were even carrying babies, with one of them approaching Aerith as she continued to reassure the people.

"Princess Aerith, please…" The mother's voice was slightly pleading as she showed Aerith her baby, "...Even if it's just my child, I… I want him to experience what it is like living without chains."