Chapter 628: A Quiet Poem For Lost Souls

"I… don't see them anymore, Megawoman."

"All of them are settling in. And please, Hannah—call me Aerith."

"They… are settling in already?"

Osk and the others have brought another batch of immigrants from Theran—and now, the total number of themarians on New Theran were around 10,000… and yet none of them could be seen around where Hannah and the others are already.

"There were that many and yet… fuck. Must be nice to fly around several Mach speeds in the air," Hannah looked around at the empty and endless sea of grass beneath her feet, "But if that was the case… shouldn't we have everyone we need by now?"

"No…" Aerith could not help but sigh as she looked at the sky; her eyes, reflecting Theran on them, "...The problem is not getting them here, it's getting them out there."