Chapter 796: Time To Have Fun

All of a sudden, the hall that was near empty was suddenly filled with more people. The noise that scattered in the air, almost drowning everyone as the voices just mixed; some were of excitement, some worried, and most were confused.

"Why are everyone just talking to each other!?"

Gracy, who was the one responsible for bringing more than 50 people to another universe, could not even believe what she was witnessing in front of her. The effort she had to put into making this possible was something that probably shortened her lifespan for years — and yet no one was even listening to her at all.

"Guys…!?" Gracy placed her hand on Nannah's shoulder, "What the hell!? We should be trying to subdue Riley Ross!"

"And risk fucking dying in vain?" The Hannah of the other universe, Nannah, shook her head; her eyes, completely fixated on Riley.