Chapter 1116: Worthy Under the Heavens

"Then… let's see what you have, White Face."

"If that is what you want, Ugly Face."

"You dare!?"

And of course, any species of the female variety would most probably take offense in what Riley had just said — and Nine was not any different.

"I would have you know that I am the most beautiful of my kind!" Nine thrust her staff straight onto Riley's chest, and when Riley just used his arm to block her attack, a small smile started to crawl on her face, "Got you!"

Nine then twisted her staff, causing it to violently spin while extending almost instantly at the same time — creating a cyclone that violently pushed Riley straight through the wall and to the outside—no. The staff continued to extend, causing Riley to hit his back several times on several houses.

"Heh…" Nine let out a small scoff — placing the side of her palm above her eyebrows as she pretended to look for Riley in the distance, "...Goodbye, White Face."