
"Occupations or jobs, call it what you like, are the functions you perform here. At first it was difficult to make it work, but Commander Felipe made it all work. The thing is, everyone who has a skill does something that their skill helps. For example, I have these insect parts on me, it's not very specific or useful for combat, but because of them I can write a lot without getting tired, especially now that we've lost computers." She pointed to her deformed limbs as she spoke.

"Oh wait. When we got to the gate, the guard asked us if we had any deformed ones with us. Why did he ask that?" Ruby couldn't contain her curiosity, she interrupted Gloria in the middle of her speech. Upon hearing the question, Lucas also had the same doubt. He hadn't been aware of that detail and when he heard it, doubts began to fill his mind, not just for that matter, there were others as well.

'It makes sense, if we were asked about the deformed, there is something specific about them, but here everyone I see acts like a human, even the commander is one. I think the reason is that some don't maintain human intelligence and end up acting like beasts, just like the mutants I encountered in the bunker." Before Gloria could respond, he thought quickly about the matter. However, there was no need, as the deformed woman responded pretty much the same.

"Oh, that's because there were people who couldn't control their evolution, so they started acting like animals. The guard asked if there was someone like that with you to avoid accidents." Her tone was calm, very different from her earlier excitement and Ruby saw some sadness in her eyes.

Meanwhile, other doubts appeared in Lucas' mind. He thought:

'Strange, the world is upside down, yet everyone I see is very happy and excited. This is the first time I've seen anyone here not act with enthusiasm, even for a few seconds…" He continued to ponder the matter, however, the deformed woman came to a very important topic.

"We have 8 departments, exploration, patrol, medicine, research, cleaning/meal, agriculture, administration and construction. I'll explain each of them and based on your skills, I'll nominate some jobs and you can pick whatever you want." Before continuing, she took a booklet out of the drawer and leafed through it, in which she had noted all the work in each department. After finding what she wanted, she turned her eyes to the triplet and said:

"Exploration takes care of searching for new fertile territories, obtaining supplies, rescuing survivors and pretty much anything else that needs to be done within a distance of here."

"The patrol is pretty self-explanatory, it watches around the base for any freak wave, it also serves as a police in here. If you see someone deformed losing control, or anyone doing something wrong, just let them know. The exploration and patrol team are very close to each other, their members can replace each other at will." Before she moved on to the next department's explanation, Lucas politely raised his hand.

"Yes?" Gloria gave permission to speak.

"No offense, but I didn't quite understand, you said we should report to them if we see some crazy deformed, but if there is that possibility, wouldn't it be safer to isolate the deformed?" Her question has reached a critical point. However, Gloria didn't seem to mind and responded with her usual enthusiasm.

"Well, the research team can answer in more detail about that, but the general thing is that the deformed ones that go crazy are few. When we mutate after the beam, we either maintain our rationality or lose it instantly. It's very rare to lose your mind after evolution, it's happened before, but it's only been twice since the beam. Also, when a deformed person loses his reason, according to the research team, days or hours before he starts to show emotional instabilities, then it is possible to prevent it quickly." The answer was on the tip of her tongue, and when Lucas heard it, that doubt was gone. Ace and Ruby also nodded.

"Continuing, the research team, despite being the smallest of them all, is definitely one of the most important. She works on discovering the best method to achieve the best results, including organization, operations and evolution. Every construction or change plan in any sector is also decided there. Luckily and I say it again, by immense luck a professor and a professor survived, he from engineering and she from chemistry. Most of the amenities we have is thanks to them. They are now very busy trying to restore power. It's not just the two of them on the team, but they're definitely the most important." She spoke more enthusiastically this time, having deep gratitude for these teachers.

The triplet of young people realized the importance of this team, there was a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. Gloria continued the explanation:

"The meal/cleaning team is like the name says, they take care of our food and clean the base. Don't belittle them, they may not play a key role, but they are important to our new society."

The triplet once again nodded in understanding.

"Agriculture takes care of the cultivation of vegetables, vegetables and fruits along with the few animals that are left, there is almost nothing left since the war and what is left is quickly gone, so it takes a lot of preparation and care not to starve. Haha." She laughed, even though it wasn't a happy situation and Lucas made a note of it in his mind.

"The administration, which I'm a part of, ensures that everyone is doing what should be done. More or less like this, it organizes who is supposed to do what and makes sure they do it. It also records changes and acts as a court of law most of the time." She puffed up her chest a little to show the importance of her team.

"I don't think I need to talk much about doctors, right? They are very essential, especially for exploration, construction and patrol teams. Every team on the exploration team takes a doctor with them, so in addition to being skilled in medicine, the doctors must know how to defend themselves. Haha ha." Once again she finished her sentence with a laugh, and Lucas wrote it down again in her mind.

"And finally, the construction department builds the houses, buildings and makes the necessary equipment for all the other teams. For example, firearms and melee weapons, shields and such. Old Marcelo and his son Jeferson take care of this very well. They were the ones who made all the melee weapons we have. Any questions?" She hoped the group had some doubts, after all, it was too much information at the same time. However, no one asked anything even after a few seconds. So she began to suggest each one's work.

"Ruby, your skill with light is quite unique, she would be very useful in the exploration department. I'll be honest, it's dangerous sometimes, but there's training first. What do you think?" Ruby thought for a moment and answered with another question.

"Is it normal for exploration team members to die on duty?"

Gloria reacted with surprise to this question. She wasn't prepared to respond, but she still responded without changing her tone.

"Of course, there are casualties, but nothing recurrent. It's even rare to have a death."

Ruby thought some more and replied:

"Um, ok then."

"Wonderful, it's noted." Quickly, Gloria grabbed a pen and jotted Ruby's name along with her abilities in the booklet on the exploration department's record sheet. Then she turned to Ace and made her suggestion.

"Ace, your skill is very useful in building and cleaning, which of these do you think would be better to participate?" However, he didn't want any of those.

"Oh no, I want to stay on exploration or patrol. It's very boring these ae, I don't want them."

Gloria didn't know how to answer right away, but used her charisma and persuasion to convince Ace to stay in construction under the argument that often this team would have to build farm fields or temporary bases in dangerous places, at that moment he could help a lot by fighting against the monsters.

Soon, it was Lucas' turn. Gloria gave the following suggestions:

"Lucas, your ability is quite versatile from what you've told me. However, I believe that cleaning/meal, construction, administration and research teams are not adequate. You can either attack or defend, so combat teams are better suited. I suggest the exploration team, your friend is already going there, it's better to be on the side of who you are already familiar with?"

Lucas pondered this, he didn't want to decide something like that out of thin air. As he thought, Ruby and Ace exchanged a worried look.

"Okay, I'll be on the exploration team." When Lucas responded, Gloria noted her name in the booklet and said:

"Great, now that you're all registered, let's get to the best part. It's late at night and I think you guys deserve a meal before bed." She got up and waved for the triplet to follow and together they went to the refectory.