Book 6__Delivery Job

" Come in Red!", Ali said, but it was too late because he made himself comfortable on her couch and started to eat her popcorn.

" Nice house you got here, you live alone?", " Ahhh yeah, but what are you doing here? Red? Hello?", Ali tried to get his attention by snapping her fingers. " Be honest with me here okay, your getting ready to hump my best friend in this empty house soon enough, now aren't yah.

I couldn't give two naked rats about what you two do with each other now, but just listen to me...I need your assistance?", Red said before eating some popcorn. " Alright listen up of everything you've ever said to me, those four last words are the only words I've ever sounded normal.

I'll help you with whatever it is you want, if you stop treating me like the way do and start to give me the respect I deserve", Ali said Red and the two looked at each other intensively. " You have no idea of what I want and yet you jump to saying yes, but your demanding the one thing I can't ever give you... The blind man wants what he can't see. Crafty like bastard you are, Deal! Be up at 04:00Am tomorrow I'm going to turn you into one sexy looking pervert", Red said before running out of the house like a madman, leave Ail relived and exactly exhausted from the stress of his presence.

Pete got a text massage from Red, but all that was on it was a crow emoji. Ail herd her doorbell ring crazy while she was fast promised Red kept arrived at her house with a white and red tracksuit, he had a bag pack on his back that seemed to be full.

Ali wasn't ready to even waist energy on arguing with him, so she followed everything he told her to do and Ail was forced to wear a black and white tracksuit as well. The two went out for a really long run to the lake. On there way back, Red decided to do something only Red could do and that was leave her a Miles away by sprinting ahead.

He's true objective was too meet up with some drug dealers that were posted by the gas station on the way back to her house. Red managed to aquire the packages, but it was so expensive he only had enough for one bag. He headed to Ali's house and waited for her, but also tried to come up with a way to make some money in the process.