"Don't shout your highness, she fell asleep"
"so is her highness"
"But how do you know that? How do you know that she went through ... through .."
"the first invasion?"
"While I was curing her I asked her how she ended up like this, she told me that she fled from Ba because of the enemy invasion because she did not want to experience something like this again"
"again" said Qing Yu in a sigh
"I recommend that you let her rest ... this must have agitated her quite a bit at her young age"
"Right, do you know how old she is?"
"I would say that she is about 7 or 8, depending on the complexion I see"
"8 years old! She is still very young"
The doctor just nodded and left. Qing Yu did not expect her to be so young, between the dirt on her face and the way she spoke it could not be said at first glance that she was so young.
The night came together with the captain and the soldiers surviving the battle of the forest full of concern, despite having eliminated the enemy base, they had not yet reconquered the city of entry of Ba.
"Greetings captain" Qing Yu made a salute
"How is the girl? .. is Xue?"
"resting sir"
"What did you find out about her?"
"She comes from the first agricultural town of Shu, according to the doctor she is between 7 and 8 years old, she has good manners and her parents died in Shu due to the war"
"From the first invaded village in Shu?"
"That's right sir"
"How did she survive until now? She can be said that she will not have the best of luck but surviving two invasions at that age is something that deserves recognition"
While Xue was resting on the bed of the doctor's tent, she could not be entirely calm, the scenes of her parents' bodies reappeared in her dreams, prostrate in a pool of blood on the floor of what used to be. his house.
A sudden scream made the soldiers rise from their places and those asleep stood up with a fright.
The concerned doctor approached Xue "What happened? Does something hurt?"
Xue looked around her and remembered what had happened and where she was, she got up from the bed and knelt down "thank you for her kindness and treating my wound"
The hurried doctor took Xue by her arm and tried to make her stop but at that same moment two figures in red armor ran into the medical tent.