The sky was filling with color little by little as the two sides approached.
The first blow was given by the enemy army an arrow pierced the armor of a soldier leaving him collapsed on the ground leaving him to be trampled by all the others who continued to advance.
Xue came to the front of the battle in the blink of an eye, she was lighter and she could pass through the soldiers without difficulty.
The soldier saw a girl on the battlefield and stopped short causing him to be pushed and fell to the ground together all the others behind him, Xue saw the opportunity and one by one as they fell he was killing them with a direct and effective cut .
From one moment to the next there was a girl on a pile of dead, the soldiers did not notice that she was a girl simply before her eyes was a target more than assassinate.
She continued forward killing anyone who tried to attack her. Two impctos was the easiest way to cut her legs and once on the floor to kill them.
She did not doubt a single movement with her sword, she was one with her weapon, but her objective was the captain of the enemy battalion, she had seen him and had him fixed in her sights.
A group of soldiers went towards her, they had spears and they attacked all together making a star with the spears, Xue jumped on top of them and unleashed a kick making a soldier fall from the bluff.
Without letting go of his sword, he leaned against the enemy spears and with a twist he killed three more, the other soldier tried to draw his spear but Xue was still on top of the spear, she jumped and with a blow to the chest, he defeated him and was defended against. He stabbing the sword into his stomach and pulling it out in one motion.
The other soldier wiped the sandre from his face, sappho the spear and headed towards Xue this turned around and with his hand in the center of the blade of his sword receiving the spear and raising the range of the enemy spear, then he turned the spear around and they were both facing each other. Xue kicked the spear to the side, opening a small space that was enough to free the enemy's face and he stabbed the sword through the chin.
She returned to fighting position, refocusing on reaching her enemy, the captain of the opposing soldiers.
She began to avoid enemies by going under her weapons and even jumping over them, it seemed that the battlefield was a field full of mud where children played to slide.
She was already close to the enemy general but a barrier of archers was in front of her.
She looked around her and found an enemy spear still being held by a fallen soldier, she took it keeping her sword in her case and decidedly went to the line of archers.
From afar, the Aleado General saw the battlefield from the top of one of the mountains and was able to distinguish the small spot of white with red in the distance.
Xue running with the spear pushed herself over the archers and taking out one of the short knives and as if she had calculated it she fell on top of the enemy general's horse.
"If you move I'll kill you"
Xue had the enemy genreal with the knife squeezing lightly, dropping a small thread of blood from the General's neck.
"How ridiculous is Zhou's army sending children to the battlefield, so they need reinforcements"
Xue pressed her dagger against the General's neck a little harder. "They don't need it, this is personal."
In few seconds Xue cut the Enemy's neck and threw him off his horse but not before stealing her sword.
Leasing the horse she made him jump on top of the archers and she killed a few.
"The general enemy has fallen !!"
Xue yelled as she streaked across the battlefield. The last enemy began to retreat from her and Xue was quickly heading towards her general on the horse "General Huo as a brake on a horse? !!"
"pull where you got it from"
With one pull the horse stopped short, almost throwing the little Xue "captain captain"
"yes little one?"
"I did it, ride a horse"
"Have you never done it?"
Xue smiled inicently "no"
Captain Huo smiled "Well from now on you will learn so that this does not happen again"
Xue's smile intensified "Thank you captain"
'She is still a child after all' Captain Huo said to himself.