Xue felt relieved that they had let her out, when she left the residence she turned to see the sign at the entrance and on the way where she had come she returned to the main street

once there the streets could be seen full of light coming from the lanterns placed everywhere, as well as from stalls as if they were talking about a festival.

Xue was walking through the streets looking at everyone celebrating when she saw an ad outside a brothel "on tomorrow's day as a celebration of the next royal wedding a guzhen contest will be held in the main hall of this place, those who want to participate will be welcome in the morning afternoon "

It was a great opportunity to earn money, she could not live at the expense of Mr. Huo all the time, tomorrow she would take a walk "maybe I will participate if I find a guzhe in time"

Xue kept wandering the streets seeing families smiling and children running everywhere.

It was almost twelve o'clock at night when she Xue returned to Mr. Huo's house, who was waiting for her at the door.

"little girl I thought you would have gotten lost"

"If I could locate myself throughout the dynasty, what would I do if I lost myself in the capital?"

"all good?"

"Yes, why I wouldn't be?"

"You left the table so suddenly and asked to take a walk, you only do that when you are uncomfortable"


"you don't have to apologize little one"

"It's just that I can't feel comfortable, I can't help but think what would happen if mom and dad were alive, if Feng ke was here, if ... my parents had never welcomed me into their house"

"Little one, you don't have to think about that, I know it's uncomfortable and I will for a while then you will get used to my house and my children, little by little you will feel part of here, because you already are, but let's stop talking here in the cold and go to sleep that tomorrow you have to kick my son's ass for talking too much "

Xue and Mr. Huo entered the house.

Xue came to the room and sat on the bed with the pink bedspread and blue pillows and could not help remembering the last time he duminated in a bed inside his house, his mother had sheltered him and his father was holding his hand, they were both singing while stroking his head with their warm hands.

She loved being sheltered at night, it made her feel protected, for so long that she did not feel protected, the tears on her face drained without Xue noticing it, the memories of her home, of her brother's smile were what was left of his family.

Xue was more dejected than she could see, she had put on a strong face for so long that she felt without the right to cry.