Happily Never After

His hair Is white as snow and his face Is cold as winter.

The man who resembles Maria Eleonor.

Duke Evan Chavez...

The whole kingdom is in chaos.

The people of the Ibanez kingdom are shivering in fear.

Every place of the kingdom is drenching in the crimson color of blood.

The most awaited rebellion of the Duke has started.

A man with golden hair stood in bravery in front of the white-haired Duke. Carrying his sharpest blade, he pointed it to the neck of his former loyal aide. "You betrayed me" Prince Ian spoke in resentment.

The white-haired man stayed in silence. His piercing ice-cold eyes were silently preying at the prince.

"Why did you betray me?" The prince asked.

Duke Evan took out his blade and glanced at the raging prince. "I am here to steal your throne"

That scene was the last challenge for the main characters of the novel.

This means the last boss villain was supposed to be the father of the villainess.

"Damn it," I said as I throw my body on my bed. "Damn it! What the hell is that Dadd-- I mean What the hell is that Duke doing in that kind of place? Why didn't the author told us that Maria's father is that handsome?"

I sigh in confusion while thinking about what happened earlier. I didn't expect that!

I stand up to open the aircon in my room.

"Should I tell it to Maria?" I asked myself. "Tho I am not sure about the duke's motive of going to that kind of place, Maria has a right to know about that incident"

What if it's something connected to Maria?

I rubbed my fingers at my chin. "Pffft! Whatever! The duke in the novel doesn't care about his daughter. There is no way that he came here to stop the wedding of my brother"

I turned off the light in my room and tucked my body on my bed. "Maybe it has something to do with his coming rebellion" I whispered. I slowly closed my eyes and wait for Hypnos to hug me to sleep.

That night I slept peacefully on my bed with no worries.

Little did I know... The incident about the duke is something really important because it has something to do about the wedding of my precious little brother.

"Maria, are you ready now?" I asked the woman who is sitting on a chair. She is now wearing a white simple gown, but she looks like the goddess of winter even with that kind of simple gown. "Your beauty is really enchanting. I wish my nephew would take your face instead of my brother's"

An elegant laugh came out from Maria's lips. "It'll be better if my child will take his looks after his father." She said. "Because it will always remind me the face of my dearest friend"

"Dear, stop saying things like that! I might think that you're in love with me instead of my brother"

"Insolent fool" She giggles. She glanced at me and a soft smile appeared on her wintered face. "Gabriella. You really look like an angel. Are you sure you aren't one?" Her eyes were in daze.

"Sorry to disappoint you, My Lady," I said in a teasing tone. "But my mouth was so foul. Which means I'm a human" I extended my hands as I smile sweetly at her. "Shall we go now? I am sure that brother is so nervous now."

She accepted my hands. "Alright, Sister In Law"

Everything about the wedding went so smoothly. Even if it's simple, the happiness in our hearts is visible because of the wedding.

Everyone is silent while watching the bride walks into the aisle. The so-called winter face of Maria Eleonor was filled with warmth for today, while my little brother seemed to be so nervous but also happy to see his bride coming.

When Maria Eleonor reached the aisle, my brother elegantly took his hands out to escort his bride. He looks like a prince charming with that type of behavior. How cute~

The priest started the ceremony, the two lovebirds exchanges their vows for each other.

"I, Maria Eleonor, take you, Gabriel, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

But when the ending kiss was about to happen.

Something unexpected occured.

F*ck! What are you doing here, Maria's Father?!

"You may kiss the bride" The priest declared.

"Stop this wedding" A cold domineering voice echoed at the church. My eyes fell to the white-haired handsome man who just entered the room. Everyone's eyes were on him. "Maria Eleonor" The man coldly stared at the woman in the aisle who looks like him.

Maria suddenly dropped the flower in her hands. Her eyes were wide open, even my stiff brother also looked shocked. Gabriel immediately grabbed Maria to put her under his embrace.

"F-father...?" Maria uttered. Her body began to tremble as she holds onto her groom. "Father..."

Oh sh*t! That man is really her father?! I mean how?! He looks so young! I'd rather believe that he is her brother than her father!

"Maria, Let's go home" Duke Evan uttered.

Leonardo, who was also a visitor was silently observing the newcomer. Leonardo glanced at me.

"No! I won't!" Maria replied to her father. "Father, I cannot go home. I am marrying this man" She said.

"I have let your rebellious act for years. Do not test my patient" Her father coldly replied. "You cannot marry a commoner," He said "Allan," The Duke called for his knight.

The knight quickly stepped in with the other knights. "Lady Maria, Please peacefully follow His grace's order"'

My lips twitched while watching the whole scene. I quickly step in and glared at the white-haired duke. "Your Grace," I said with the hint of displeasing reaction on my face.

The Duke glanced at me. His flash of shock appeared on his face with his knight Allan.

"You can't just carelessly barge into my brother's wedding," I said in a dangerous tone. "But I would appreciate it if you will take my invitation for a talk. What do you think, Duke Evan?"