Terrifying Netherworld Flood Dragon

In the cave, due to the corrosion of the Soul Poison, the three blood-red Flood Dragons were forced to retreat under Gandalf and Camilla's attacks.

At that moment, one of the blood-colored Flood Dragons roared. It could feel its soul getting corroding incessantly. Even with its Legend-rank strength, it could not withstand it. It could only slow it down.

It looked at the other two Flood Dragons and knew that they were dead for sure. Then, it jumped into the blood pool.

The next moment, their bodies began to melt. They turned into blood and fused with the blood pool.

"Haha, when Milord wakes up, all of you shall be buried with us!"

They looked at all of them coldly before gradually fusing into the blood pool.

At the same time, the dragon-shaped black shadow in the depths of the blood pool began to move.

"Not enough, still not enough!"