I Am Not a Qualified Beast Tamer

After Giles fell unconscious, he felt like his body was floating.

The events that he had experienced recently kept flashing past his eyes.

He was surprised when he heard Alice, the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym, instructing him to manage the gym on her behalf.

When he returned to the spirit beast section and saw the spirit beast cubs making a din, he made the first attempt to tell them a story.

He was extremely shocked when he contracted a spirit beast who had attained the Gold rank after listening to the story.

*He was excited when he realized that the story he told could allow the spirit beast cubs to grow faster and learn skills.

After defeating the Beast Tamer who came to the gym to challenge him, he was thrilled when he realized that he was no ordinary person.

In the cave in Grant Forest, he was furious at the deranged Beast Blood Sect.