Taking a Photo to Record This Heartwarming Scene

Spirituality was a combination of 'intelligence' and 'assimilation'.

The higher the spirituality of the spirit beast, the stronger its learning ability would be.

Furthermore, spirituality was also a major standard that drew the line between spirit beasts and ferocious beasts.

The improvement of learning ability for ferocious beasts was mostly reliant on their survival instincts, which were made up of brutality and the survival of the fittest. In other words, they had an unruly 'ferocious nature'.

Rational spirit beasts could communicate telepathically with humans, but crazy ferocious beasts were irrational most of the time.

However, be it spirituality or ferociousness, they were both embodiments of learning abilities.

Through their unique learning methods, spirit beasts and ferocious beasts could continuously assimilate some innate skills that uniquely belonged to their own race.