Did I Say That You Can Leave?

As a Beast-taming Gym, Starlux Gym was as large as a large-scale park.

Although Starlux Gym was large, it was not complicated and was mainly divided into five working areas.

Giles opened the "reception area" at the main door. It was the place to receive Beast Tamers and handle the related work matters.

After the Beast Tamers registered at the reception area, they could head to the "training area" to train their spirit beasts.

If one needed to rest after the training ended, the "residential area" was beside the training ground.

Gym Leader Alice lived here, and Giles had always lived there before moving to the spirit-beast section and building the wooden cabin there.

The staff of Starlux Gym usually took their lunch break in the residential area, so the residential area was also known as the 'resting area'.

The other direction that the reception area led to was the Starlux Gym's "evaluation section" and the "spirit beast section".