Searching for Materials

Zhang Bei couldn't help but laugh when he read their complaints.

It was not that he was mocking them. These people were too interesting. Although they were in a bad environment, they could still maintain an optimistic mood, roasting each other and encouraging each other.

Zhang Bei happily watched them complain for a long time before turning off the world channel. Not long after he lay on the bed, the detector buzzed and emitted a blue light.

Seeing the blue light, Zhang Bei thought that something good had come again. However, after Zhang Bei connected with the detector, he complained, "Can you not suddenly light up when I'm about to sleep?"

The detector only said, "500 kilometers south,???" It was still three question marks. Zhang Bei thought, 'If I can get the blueprint of the detector one day, I will know how to upgrade the detector.'

"After upgrading it, it should be able to show the details of blue or even higher level colors." Zhang Bei thought happily and then exited the detector.

After exiting the detector, he started moving to the location indicated by the detector. After all, it was still 500 kilometers away.

He was in no hurry. He slowly rode the asteroid. Along the way, he saw some white and green specks of light. He stored all of them.

"Ham sausage! Just when I finished the previous batch."

"Oh! Snickers! Good stuff!"

"What is this? Wowww mooncakes."

Zhang Bei fell into deep thought as he looked at the mooncakes. If the earth had not exploded yet, then based on the time, it should be the Mid-Autumn Festival now.

His eyes reddened as he thought about when he reunited with his parents at home during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. His mother had made his favorite roasted duck and stewed beef. How could he not miss his parents? Although he had been working hard for survival since he came to space, he still cried every time he thought of his parents in the middle of the night.

Zhang Bei wiped his tears. "I will definitely find my parents." So he silently wished his parents well and continued to control the asteroid to the location indicated by the detector.

While controlling the asteroid, he looked through the things he had just picked up. Apart from some food, there were also some small tools, such as an ear pick and a nail clipper. Without the detector, these small things could not be found at all.

After looking through the items, he put all these things into the tent. He then picked his ears with the ear pick and started humming. After a while, he saw a blue light in the distance.

Zhang Bei sped the asteroid, then heard the familiar 'pop' sound. Something fell from the sky. He picked up the tube that was made of unknown materials and opened it to see what was inside.

After opening the tube, there were two pieces of paper, one larger and the other smaller. Zhang Bei opened the small piece of paper and was instantly stunned. Then, he danced with joy.

It turned out that this half of the paper was the other half of the mecha's blueprint. Zhang Bei took out his blueprint and put it together with this half. Once the two blueprints were close, it was a complete mecha blueprint.

"There's still another paper." Zhang Bei opened the other blueprint. There were no signs of damage on the other blueprint, so it was a complete blueprint.

Zhang Bei looked at it carefully and felt that the thing on it looked familiar. Then, he suddenly remembered his omnipotent charger, the energy device.

"F*ck, isn't this that thing? Does that thing have a blueprint?" Zhang Bei looked at the blueprint carefully and found that it was written as the energy source for all items.

Just earlier, he saw that the mecha's blueprint showed that there was a space in the mecha that could store energy-type items. Did that mean that the energy device could also be used as an energy source?

"That is a matter for later. First, I have to find the materials to repair the mecha."

Then, he looked at the materials listed on the blueprint of the energy device and realized that they were the same as the materials listed on the mecha's blueprint; they were all materials he had never heard of before. Zhang Bei sighed and accepted his fate and put away the blueprints.

"I'll find them sooner or later. I'll browse the Exchange Platform every day to take a look." After getting the blueprints, Zhang Bei was not too happy because he realized that there were many materials inside that he had never heard or seen. How could he find these things and restore the mecha?

Moreover, even if he found the materials, how could he use them to repair the mecha?

Frowning, Zhang Bei thought for a long time. "Forget it. No matter what, it will get better. There will be a way. First, I have to find all the materials."

He put away the blueprints and looked at the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was twilight. The sun was about to dim. Although the cosmologist said that there would be no disaster in the near future, he still had to be careful.

Zhang Bei slowly dug out the seeds from the thorny brambles and planted them around the tent, then used the growth agent to enhance their growth. The thorns grew very quickly and covered the sky in an instant, tightly covering Zhang Bei's tent.

He thought of the defensive ability of the previous mecha and could not help but be tempted. "If I can get a large amount of materials of the mecha, then I can build a defensive wall with them. That would be very, very safe."

He patted his head and smiled bitterly. "I really dare to dream. How can such things be mass-produced?" But what Zhang Bei did not know was that such materials were actually commonplace in a civilization, like the iron on Earth.

Then, he went into the tent to have dinner and sleep.

Just as Zhang Bei was about to make instant noodles, the little yellow chicken suddenly rushed in and chirped at him.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Wait a little bit." Zhang Bei rubbed its little head.

The little yellow chick shook its head and flew up. Then, it bit Zhang Bei's sleeve and tried its best to drag him out of the door.

"Are you asking me to go out with you?" He walked out in the direction of the little yellow chick.

The little yellow chick flew higher and higher. Zhang Bei kept looking up. Suddenly, he seemed to see a green dot.

"That's not supplies… It looks like…" Zhang Bei frowned." No way… That's a planet? "

The little yellow chick chirped excitedly.

Zhang Bei's eyebrows twitched. "Is that… your house?"