Light Purple

After chatting with the cosmologist, Zhang Bei looked helplessly at the little yellow chick spewing fire everywhere.

Just as it was having fun, it was picked up by Zhang Bei and brought back to the tent. Zhang Bei placed it in its nest and squatted in front of it, telling it not to breathe fire everywhere. If you accidentally lit up our things, then we would have nothing, and you would have no food to eat.

The little yellow chick tilted its head as if it understood and then lay down obediently in the nest. Zhang Bei rubbed his stomach and felt a little hungry again. Then, he told the little yellow chick that there was still some leftover soup for lunch. "Let's take a few pieces of bread and make a pot of noodles to eat."

Zhang Bei passed by the fridge and thought of the meat inside. He swallowed his saliva and shook his head hard. If he ate meat every meal, it would be finished soon. He could just eat it every few days to satisfy his cravings. Then, he entered the storeroom and took out instant noodles, two pieces of bread, and two sausages. He walked to his bed and poured a bottle of mineral water into the kettle and waited for the water to boil.

Just like before, he broke off half a piece of bread and placed it in the little yellow chick's bowl before eating it.

The water boiled, and he opened the noodles, and threw it in along with the seasonings and dried vegetables.

After a while, the entire room was filled with fragrance. Zhang Bei started eating the instant noodles along with sausages and bread.

However, what Zhang Bei did not notice was that there were some tiny green hairs on the bread.

Two hours later, the green hair that he had eaten caused Zhang Bei's stomach to react. Zhang Bei picked up the tissue paper and dug a hole in the ground, to use as a toilet.

When Zhang Bei went to the toilet for the tenth time, his face was pale and he was exhausted.

It's probably gastroenteritis, Zhang Bei thought. But he didn't have any medicine with him. What should he do?

He lay on the bed and thought to himself, Could it be that I won't die of hunger in space but will die from gastroenteritis?

No, he couldn't just sit still. Then, Zhang Bei opened the Exchange Platform to search for anti-inflammatory drugs.

He really found one. He quickly opened the exchange interface. The other party was clearly asleep, and had been woken up from the messages. He sent a message in an unhappy tone. "What's wrong? You want to trade? Three days worth of food, take it or leave."

Zhang Bei wanted to save as much as possible. He bargained and offered two days, saying he did not have much food now.

The other party had already said that take the offer or leave. He had a very bad temper and said that he would go back to sleep if Zhang Bei did not agree.

Zhang Bei's stomach began to hurt again. Sweat broke out on his forehead, and his face was very pale. Then, he sighed and said, "Deal."

The other party confirmed the exchange and Zhang Bei also confirmed the transaction. The anti-inflammatory medicine immediately landed in his hands.

Zhang Bei quickly boiled a pot of hot water, opened the pills, and poured some into his mouth.

The moment the hot water entered his stomach, Zhang Bei felt warm and comfortable.

After taking the medicine, he lay on the bed. As the drug's effect kicked in, his stomach no longer hurt, and he fell asleep.

When Zhang Bei woke up, it was just dawn. He went out for a walk and saw the few pits he dug yesterday. He opened the Exchange Platform and prepared to buy something.

He used a few bottles of mineral water, a few slices of bread, and a few pieces of chocolate to exchange for half a container and some wooden boards, preparing to build a small toilet for himself.

Although half a container could not be used to build a house, it was more than enough to make a small toilet. Zhang Bei used a saw to cut half the container into steel plates.

He then piled the steel plates together and turned them into a small cubicle. Then, he melted the remaining copper wires into a pile of liquid copper and sealed the small toilet with it.

Then, he put a few wooden boards on the roof and wrapped them with thorny brambles.

He had wanted to make a door, but later realized that without hinges, there was no way to make a door that could be opened and closed. He could only fix the snake skin on the door and make a small curtain.

After finishing the toilet, Zhang Bei thought of the situation yesterday and his eyebrows twitched. Yes, he did not have any medicine.

Whether it was the cut infection or the previous stab by the thorns, or the gastroenteritis yesterday, there was no hospital in the universe. Even a small illness could cost him his life.

Just as Zhang Bei was thinking about whether he should collect some medicine, the detector suddenly glowed. Zhang Bei looked at it and saw that it was blue with a trace of light purple. It was a color that had never appeared before. Zhang Bei was overjoyed. This time, it was definitely something good.

He sank his consciousness into the detector. The detector made a bang, and he was shocked.

"What are you doing? You scared me to death," Zhang Bei jumped to the side and said to the detector.

The detector smiled and said to him, "Congratulations. A very, very good thing appeared in the southeast today. Hurry up."

"How far is it? Tell me that first," Zhang Bei said helplessly.

"It is about 800 kilometers this time," the detector said gently.

F*ck, Zhang Bei couldn't help but curse, "It will take at least an hour to travel so far. I'm exhausted."

However, thinking that there would be good things today, he suppressed the dissatisfaction. After withdrawing from the detector, he sat on the bed and found a comfortable position to connect to the asteroid. Then, he began to fly southeast.

After connecting to the asteroid, he was exhausted. He realized that the speed had slowed down, so he tried to hold on a little longer. However, he would not be able to last for the whole journey. He could only fly slowly until he couldn't hold on anymore. He would rest at that time and continue flying.

After flying for nearly 45 minutes, Zhang Bei felt a sharp pain in his head. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his face turned pale again. He disconnected from the asteroid and lay on the bed, closing his eyes to rest.

He closed his eyes and rested for a while. After eating two pieces of chocolate, he finally relaxed.

After taking two gulps of water, he connected his consciousness to the asteroid and continued moving southeast.

Zhang Bei flew slowly. He passed by asteroids one after another, but most of them were empty. When he got back, he could go to the asteroids to take a look. If there was no one else, he could search for some supplies.