Continue North

The sky was already dark. Maas placed a huge wild banana leaf outside the cabin and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Looking up at the stars could not calm his anger, but it could help him recover a little.

Since he was young, whenever summer came, Maas liked to sleep in his grandmother's farm, in the shabby stable after every fight.

Although the old and dilapidated stable had no roof, it could isolate the noise from the surrounding.

Laying on the hay in the middle of the stable, he looked up at the countless stars in the sky.

It became a habit over time.

Whenever Maas encountered a setback, he would find a quiet place to lay like this.

The countless stars in the sky shone in his eyes, allowing him to enter a wonderful state.

From there, he could divert his mental negative emotions by focusing his mind.

Maas, who had relaxed his mind, soon fell asleep peacefully under the starry sky.

The next morning, before the sun rose, Maas had already woken up early.

"Congratulations to the host for surviving until the fifth day. You have obtained the enhanced basic camp construction method (beginner)"

After obtaining the new knowledge, Maas felt that he could already start to expand his small camp!

However, all of this was still built on the basis of having bamboo.

After shaking his head helplessly, Maas turned around to undergo physical training.

From the previous incident, he had clearly learned his weakness.

Currently, his physique was already at the peak compared to the average person. However, under the tracking of Anjiro, he appeared so powerless.

Anjiro did not even chase after him. He could easily deal with Maas.

Although there were drones that exposed his position at that time, Anjiro still did not show any signs of fatigue after such a long period of movement.

Even when he was shot in the neck, he was still able to say so much to him.

While training, he imagined his own shortcomings in the past. After about an hour, Maas stopped.

He sat in front of the fire and began to eat his breakfast.

Yesterday, he had explored both the south and the west. One of the two directions was where the primates lived together, and the other was a wide river channel.

Maas could not directly cross neither directions

If he recklessly entered the river and swam, he would become food for the many creatures in the river.

If he suddenly crossed the territory of the primates, it would trigger the pursuit of these animals.

The only place left to go was the north. Hopefully, there was something he needed there!

After breakfast, he looked at his arm and found that the wound from the arrow was scabbed.

Then, he stretched a little.

Other than some pain, it did not affect his overall strength.

After checking his arm, Maas took a look at the soles of his feet.

The previous injury had only taken two to three days to completely heal!

'It seems that my body has indeed undergone some changes. If it were in the past, this kind of injury to the soles of my feet would not recover for at least ten to half a month!'

It was useless to think so much. Maas immediately shook his head and tidied up the tools beside him.

He headed towards the north.

To the northwest was still a dense rainforest. He continued to clean up the plants that were blocking his path.

Although he could drill through from below, the narrow space made it difficult for him to avoid the attacks of all kinds of poisonous creatures.

That was why he persisted in cleaning out a passageways that he could easily pass through.

After going west for about five kilometers, Maas finally found a bamboo forest.

He also saw a huge wall in the distance through the highland that he was on.

At the border of the forest, a huge wall had encircled the place.

"This! What is going on?"

At this moment, Maas finally understood the meaning of the two lines of words in his palm.

It turned out that he had no way out.

The reason why he explored this forest so frequently was to find a way out of this place.

He would find a safe zone and endure the remaining 300 days.

Now that the huge wall appeared in front of him, he was disheartened. It seemed that he had no other choice.

"Damn it! I didn't expect it to be like this!"

It was impossible to find a safe place in the rainforest. There were ferocious beasts and poisonous creatures everywhere!

"No wonder they made the contestants sign such a contract. It turns out that they had already carried out a thorough plan from the very beginning!"

After sitting on the high ground and calming down for a moment, Maas suddenly found a simple hut under the city wall.

"Someone is there!"

Maas immediately stood up and found a hidden place to observe the hut in the distance.

He found a blonde woman with an s-shaped figure knitting something not far from the hut.

In order to not attract her attention, Maas quietly entered the bamboo forest.

Using the cover of the bamboo forest, he found a huge tree not far from her and climbed up.

After observing from the tree for more than an hour and confirming that she was only an ordinary contestant, he quietly left the place.

"I hope we won't have too many arguments!"

Although the huge city wall gave him a certain amount of pressure, finding bamboo made Maas very happy!

Last time, because the bow and arrow were not flexible enough, he was unable to shoot down the drone in the sky.

This time, if he used bamboo as a lining and reworked the structure of the bow and arrow, he could increase the attack power of the bow and arrow by 1.5 times.

He hoped that when the next danger came, he would be able to easily shoot down the UAV flying in the sky.

With this mentality, Maas worked even harder.

By the evening, Maas had already transported dozens of bamboos from here to the camp area.

Apart from strengthening weapons, these bamboos also carried the heavy responsibility of building a house!

Because there was nothing in the wild that could increase one's sense of security more than having a sturdy house!

After the transportation was over, Maas returned to the front of his bonfire to prepare a feast.

But at this time, Maas felt a wave of dizziness, and his limbs also showed signs of weakness.

The system that had been with him for a long time finally showed its crucial role.

"System yellow alert! The host is sweating profusely and urgently needs to replenish salt!"

Only after hearing this reminder did Maas realize that the system had such a function!

"I'm short on salt am I!" Maas immediately picked up the wooden spear and supported his body as he walked towards the beach.

After about half an hour, Maas managed to reach a reef by the beach with much difficulty.

It didn't take him too long to find a white object.

He picked up the white object and licked it with his tongue to confirm that it was salty.

Maas then returned to the camp with the help of the spear.

Despite his exhausted body, Maas immediately took out the dagger, scraped the white salt into powder, and put it into the stainless steel jar.

Finally, he poured the cooled boiled water into the jar, shook it slightly, and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking it, Maas was so tired that he could not open his eyes.

He just sat not far from the fire and fell asleep.

On the sixth day, the number of participants was 680/1000.

Maas' live broadcast ranking was top 35 because he fainted near the fire. More than 100,000 people gathered in the live broadcast room to see what would happen next.