Woman Chased By A Jaguar

Before nightfall, Maas came to the jungle not far away from the primates.

After picking a lot of vegetables and fruits on this road, he quietly left this place.

When he returned to the camp, the sky was already dark. After adding some firewood to the bonfire in front of him, Maas began to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

After dinner, he continued to build his new camp.

In the wilderness, if he didn't constantly find things to do for himself, it was easy for Maas to let his thoughts run wild.

So once he had something, he wouldn't waste it.

Instead of thinking about some unrealistic things here, it was better to use these thoughts to build a new camp.

No matter what the future would be like, as long as the system kept signing rewards for him, the difficulties would eventually be overcome.

With this thought, Maas worked even harder.

It was not until 12 am that Maas stopped his work.

"Congratulations to the host for surviving the sixth day. You have obtained bamboo weaving technology and knowledge (elementary)"

A large amount of knowledge was suddenly instilled into his mind. This knowledge made the bamboo weaving technique of Maas even more mature.

"Looks like tomorrow's construction progress will be even easier!"

After putting away the dagger and the military shovel in his hand, he returned to his old camp.

Before sleeping, he set up all the stone surroundings around the old camp. Only then did Maas lie down on his small bed in peace and sleep.

Early the next morning, Maas woke up and checked the surroundings of the camp.

After finding no signs of invasion, he removed the stone alarm that he set up.

Then, he started his daily training plan.

Because he will be training regularly, Maas made some simple training equipment when he was free.

This made his training progress even faster.

It was only the sixth day, but the abs that had disappeared were showing up again.

Looking at the abdominal muscles on his stomach, Maas was very confused.

Because he did not know whether all of this was caused by the system or by his training over the past few days.

Just as he was in a daze, the roar of a wild beast came first, and then a beautiful blonde woman with half her upper body naked was thrown in his direction.

When the woman saw Maas, she started to cry out for Help, "Help me!"

After receiving the cry for help, Maas did not think too much. He took out his bow and spear and quickly hung the dagger on his waist.

Then, he rushed towards the wild beast behind the blonde woman.


When he saw the figure of the wild beast, Maas immediately took out his bow and shot at the jaguar that was chasing after the woman.

"Whoosh!" The arrow was very accurate, directly piercing into the right eye of the jaguar.

Feeling the pain, the jaguar immediately roared in anger.

After a few seconds, the jaguar first gave up on roaring, and used its other eye to stare at Maas.

From the angry eyes of the Jaguar, Maas' wild ambition could instinctively sense its meaning.

"Next time, I will definitely eat you and this woman together!"

Having experienced running for his life, Maas naturally would not let the jaguar have a chance to take revenge.

He immediately chased after the jaguar.

This scene stunned Faulkner Shirley. Maas was actually chasing after the jaguar alone, chasing after the overlord of the rainforest alone!

With blood flowing down her back, Faulkner Shirley immediately walked to Maas' old camp and laid down on his narrow bed to sleep.

"This man is really unromantic!"

"But he has guts. He actually dares to chase the jaguar alone."

"It makes me want to taste you more and more!"

After leaving the camp, Maas searched for the injured jaguar along the way.

Because the path had been paved up before, Maas quickly caught up and found its figure.

"Its stamina is really good. After being shot in the eye, it can actually continue running for so long!"

As he spoke, he drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

The arrow shot out, revolved in an arc and directly shot onto the front foot of the Jaguar.

The injured jaguar turned around and glanced at Maas. After roaring angrily, it used its teeth to pull the arrow that was stuck in its leg out.

Perhaps the blood vessels on its leg were pierced by the arrow. The moment the arrow was bitten out, fresh blood flowed freely.

But at this time, the jaguar no longer had time to care about this wound.

After standing up to dodge Maas' next attack, it continued to flee into the depths of the forest.

When Maas saw this scene, he could not help but laugh bitterly.

He mocked himself, "Although I have the same experience as you, I can't let you off because of this!"

"Ever since I sensed your thoughts, I have to completely erase you for my own safety!"

"How can I wait for you to come back for revenge!"

These words of Maas' were like a respone to Anjiro's teasing of him before.

Because of his injury, Maas easily followed the blood on the ground to find the jaguar's tracks.

He quietly pushed aside the tree branch in front of him. The jaguar, who was tired of running, was sitting on a big rock and licking its wound.

Maas immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow at the Jaguar's other leg.

The arrow moved in an arc in the air again and accurately hit the target.

The jaguar, whose two forelegs were injured, immediately walked towards him slowly with injuries.

This time, it did not choose to run away. It was ready to face Maas head-on.

The two of them looked at each other. Maas put away his bow and arrow and took out the spear hanging on his back.

"Leave everything to nature!"

"As the overlord of the jungle, I will let you die with dignity!"

A series of animal screams suddenly sounded.

The jaguar found an angle and pounced on Maas.

However, the two injuries on the front legs of the Jaguar made his jump a little off, which allowed Maas to find an opportunity!

Following the trajectory of his prediction, Maas aimed the spear at its eyes and stuck the tail of the spear into the ground.

The jaguar that pounced on him directly hitting the spear with its left eye.

Using this inertia, Maas used this wooden spear to pierce through the Jaguar's head.

The jaguar that had suffered a fatal injury lost its life in just a few seconds.

After confirming that the jaguar was no longer moving, Maas wiped the sweat off his head.

"If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being my enemy."

"All I can do is to let you die without too much pain!"

After saying that, Maas placed the jaguar on two pieces of wood and used the wood to carry it back.

The jaguar was too heavy. Maas rested a few times during the journey before returning to the camp.

After returning to the camp, Maas remembered the blonde woman.

After leaving the Jaguar not far away from the camp, he immediately ran back and found the blonde beauty sleeping on his bed.

There was also an obvious scratch on her back, and there were different scratches and contusions on her body.

As he got closer, Maas tried to shake the sleeping woman.

He found that no matter how he shook her, she did not make any movements.

So he put his hand on her head, but he could feel the unusually high temperature on her forehead.

"It's heating up!"

"This is not a joke."

Seeing the dying blonde woman, Maas immediately left the old camp and waved frantically at the sky.

Realizing that there was no reaction, he wrote a line of words on the ground using charcoal ash.

"SOS, please send a rescue team!"

After waiting for a few minutes, Maas realized that his call for help was of no use.

He immediately turned around and returned to the camp, using the herbs he had stored in the past to treat the woman's wound first.

Finally, he used the cooled water to clear her face.

After doing all this, he still did not notice the arrival of the rescue team.

Maas could only bring his equipment with him, preparing to go and find some 'herbs'.

"You're really lucky. If it weren't for my knowledge of healing, you might have really died here!"

After saying that, he walked towards the depths of the forest.

After a little more than a hour, Maas gathered a backpack full of herbs and returned to the camp.

He placed all the herbs that could be consumed orally into a stone with grooves and crushed them into mesh.

He added some clay and kneaded them into small balls.

Maas took these small balls and walked to the bedside of the camp.

He used his hand to open the blonde woman's mouth and used his fingers to send the small balls directly into his throat.

He quickly fed the five small balls into the woman's stomach.

Faulkner Shirley, who had fallen into a coma, did not expect that she would suddenly faint and be saved by the target.