Strong Walls, Sweet Daily Life

Perhaps the wilderness was too lonely, so the relationship between the two of them quickly warmed up.

At this time, they were in the new camp, 'fighting fiercely' on a small bed made of jaguar skin.

"Oh! Maas, you're really great! Hurry, push!"

At this time, Shirley was lying there, sticking out her butt.

Maas grabbed her hands from behind and pushed her butt forward crazily.

The secret parts of the two were closer than expected. The waves of pleasure made Shirley unable to stop.

Maas felt the warm and wet feeling after the contraction, so he sped up pumping again.

"Oh! It's here. Keep pushing. F*ck me till I die!"

Hearing this, Maas, who had not done such a thing for more than a year, immediately turned his body over.

After carrying her two well-proportioned, fair and tender legs on his shoulders, he rhythmically pumped his waist.

Another kind of pleasure once again swept through Shirley's mind.

Wave after wave, it was as exciting as standing on a surfboard and surfing on a huge wave.

But this was not Maas' limit. A few minutes later, he turned Sherry's beautiful body over.

He let her lie on the small bed and then rode on it.

He held Sherry's hands, as if he was a cowboy running on a plain.

Feeling the impact from his back, Sherry was so excited that her legs were bent.

"Si! Huff ~"

"Shirley, I'm almost there!"

Shirley, who was pressed on the bed, immediately pushed Maas away and turned around to ride on his body.

"Humph! It's my time now!"

"I think you've enjoyed it enough!"

After saying that, she connected the gap between her body and his upright 'small steel cannon'.

At this moment, Shirley was like a female knight galloping across the battlefield, crazily twisting her waist.

Seeing that Shirley moaning non-stop, Maas' damned competitive spirit immediately surged out.

He immediately sat up using her snow-white waist, and then carried this beautiful body up.

Because the strength in Maas' hands was really extraordinarily large, his movements became faster and faster.

The two of them had reached the peak of their orgasm and were ready to spurt out at any time.

Shirley could feel that Maas was constantly trembling in her body and knew that he had reached the limit of coming.

She immediately jumped off Maas' body and continued to help him with the final sprint with her mouth!

Due to Shirley's over-stimulation, Maas' chest was constantly rising and falling rapidly.

A few minutes later, a strong smell of white liquid sprayed on Shirley's face.

"Oh, my God!" This was the most Shirley had ever seen in her life.

Looking at her face covered in his own liquid, Maas immediately picked up a leather cloth to help her wipe it.

After cleaning it up, the two of them were exhausted and laid side by side.

It was too exciting. She had never thought that Maas was so strong in the male aspect!

After the passion, Shirley leaned into Maas' arms like a kitten.

The two of them were so close to each other...

Because the drone was able to shape the image three-dimensional through a certain wavelength, what the two of them did was fully displayed in the live broadcast room through the three-dimensional images.

Through the two two-colored human figures, the movements were displayed, causing many single people in the family to coincidentally do very private things.

At this time, there were not many bullet screens in Maas' broadcast room, but it directly hit the top 5 from 9 to 11 o'clock.

Its world ranking also rose to the top 50 during this time.

The next morning, at 6 o'clock, Maas woke up on time.

Looking at the naked Shirley beside him, some part of Maas raised its head.

Thinking about last night, he had used up too much of his energy.

In order to save his energy, he immediately gave up on his desire.

He walked out of the house and washed himself with clean water to calm his boiling blood.

After returning to his normal state, Maas opened the system to check the check-in reward.

"Wilderness weapon poison technique (beginner) obtained."

As the name suggested, poison weapon technique was to smear poison on the sharp part of the weapon to better capture the prey.

After understanding this knowledge, Maas immediately took out the poison dart frog that was originally in a jar and set it free!

From now on, Maas had already found a new weapon to subdue the enemy, the 'bullet ant'!

This kind of ant was very common in the jungle. They could be found at the roots of some trees.

There was formic acid in the body of bullet ants. Maas only needed to catch a few of them, extract their formic acid, and put them into a small glass bottle.

In the future, if he met an invincible enemy, he could take this thing out and use it on a bow and arrow.

As long as the formic acid went inside the enemy's body a little, it would be enough to make him suffer for a whole day.

This way, not only could it make the enemy suffer, but it could also make the enemy lose the ability to fight.

After all, killing people was too heavy hearted for Maas!

After preparing his new weapon and secret weapon, Maas began his daily training.

He continuously waved his hands and feet, performing a perfect set of 'field fighting techniques'.

This time, Maas only felt tired after two consecutive rounds of training.

Looking at his changing body, Maas could not help but sigh, "This system is really too powerful!"

Before completing the training, Shirley had already woken up and prepared a sumptuous breakfast in the old camp.

The old camp lost its purposes because of the new camp, so Maas moved it in front of the new camp.

It was transformed into a small kitchen to store water and food, and a small kitchen to store fire.

While eating, Shirley said to Maas, "I've been here at your place for a long time!"

"I still have some tools in the old camp. Can you come back with me to get them today?"

"Of course, I won't be at ease if I let you go back alone!"

Then, he handed the bow and arrow that the enemy had used to kill him to Sherry.

He brought a bottle of water and food for two and locked the gate of his camp.

Then, he picked up the spear that was leaning against the door and set off towards the north with Sherry.

The journey was very smooth, because this road had been used countless times.

Moreover, this road had already been paved by Maas. There were only a few patches of weeds left in the dense jungle on the road.

The man took the lead and walked in front of the woman. The anaconda suit he was wearing complemented sherry, who was wearing the jaguar fur suit behind him.

The two of them were dressed in a very wild manner!

After walking for more than an hour, they could see the small house that had slightly collapsed from the hills above the bamboo forest.

"Oh! Look at your small house, it's about to collapse due to the lack of maintenance!"

Shirley, who was behind him, snorted softly and said coquettishly, "You're such a bad man. You didn't come to help me when you saw that I was living in poverty!"

During that period of time, as Maas was being hunted, he was cautious of anyone.

Therefore, he did not dare to meet anyone face to face, for fear that such a thing would happen again.

Fortunately, the appearance of the jaguar facilitated the relationship between the two of them. This made Maas involuntarily pray to the jaguar fur on Shirley's body.

Maas was grateful to it for the marriage it brought him.