Silent Killer, Observation

After the three of them separated, Maas said to Shirley who was inside the room, "Let's go!"

"Which way?"

"We have no reason to attack the one who went back, but the two people heading south, we can observe their actions and make a decision!"

A few minutes later, the two were fully armed.

Shirley had a long knife hanging on her waist and a bow on her back. As for Maas, he had prepared enough food and arrows with his backpack. He took his spear and chased after them to the north.

The two of them quietly followed behind the two of them, one on the left and one on the right.

The two of them did not seem to be very strong, but their scouting abilities were quite outstanding.

Not long after they had walked, they found the path that Maas had paved up.

Following this road all the way north, the two of them constantly kept an eye on their surroundings.

After about an hour, they finally arrived near the bamboo forest. From the high ground here, they could see the collapsed camp below.

After finding this camp, the two of them quickly walked over.

After searching for a while, the two of them found that there were traces of people searching through the camp, and there were arrows inserted into it.

Following the direction of the arrows, the two of them headed west. When they reached the muddy ground, they found a trace of blood.

"Looks like our luck is very good. We should be able to find them from this direction!"

After standing up, the two of them immediately headed towards the western jungle.

Seeing that the two of them were heading west, they quietly followed behind and groped around.

There was also a road that had been paved to the west, and they walked for a full two hours.

The two of them finally found this medium-sized camp.

Although it was not as good as the one made by Maas, the area of this camp was not small.

Just as the two of them were about to rush over, they heard screams coming from within the camp.

At this moment, the man who had been shot in the thigh by Maas the last time had been stabbed by his male companion.

While in pain, he asked his former companion, "Why?"

The man behind him stirred the knife in his hand slightly and said with a smile, "You have always treated me as your subordinate and commanded me like a dog. Today, my chance has finally come!"

"I have endured you for so long, and today, I finally have a chance!"

"Remember to be a good person in your next life!"

"Hahaha!" He laughed as he pulled out the dagger.

The man on the chair had blood gushing out from his heart as the dagger was pulled out.

The woman who was resting on the bed immediately screamed when she saw this scene.

"Ya ~"

The shrill scream reverberated in this space, scaring the surrounding birds to fly away.

After everything was over, the man immediately said to the woman on the bed, "From today onwards, you are my woman, understand?"

Although the woman was frightened, she was not as scared as he had imagined.

After all, she was also one of the victims too. Before the man died, she had been molested by this man.

With the continuous rise of adrenaline, he pressed the beautiful woman onto the bed.

Then, he untied his tattered underwear and took out his 'Little Bird'.

Seeing this scene, the woman felt very regretful, so she resisted a little.

Seeing that she was so reluctant, the man immediately put the dagger that was still flowing with blood on the woman's neck and threatened, "Don't blame me if you keep moving around!"

Seeing the murder weapon in his hand, the woman sighed lightly and untied her underwear.

She picked up the peepee that was about the size of her thumb and placed it in her dry hole.

Initially, the woman thought that this man was much better than imagined. She did not expect him to be so disappointing.

Moreover, it was fine if he was small, but this man was also extraordinarily fast. Just when she began to have a slight feeling, the man was done.

After the battle ended, the man felt relieved and immediately put on his underwear that was about to break.

Then, he pushed open the camp's door and left. He was going to go outside to find some water to drink.

Looking at the white liquid flowing out of her body, the woman frowned. "This man is really scum!"

"It's fine if he doesn't care about other people's feelings, but he sucks even in this aspect!"

She wanted to use her hands to continue releasing her desires, but she was soon distracted by the smell of blood in the room.

Before she left, the woman spat at the man who had been dead for a long time on the chair and said, "Men are all trash!"

"Looks like I should set off to find another prey tomorrow!"

She picked up the leather cloth at the side and cleaned it slightly. Then, she put on clothes that didn't fit her and followed them out of the camp.

Seeing two people coming out of the camp one after another, the two from the south immediately approached them.

Seeing the two strong men approaching, the man couldn't help but shiver.

He hurriedly asked the two people, "What's the matter?"

Seeing him being so vigilant, the two people hurriedly explained, "We're here to..."

After a few minutes of explanation, they told him what they had told Maas.

When the man saw the two of them like this, he relaxed and began to introduce himself. "My name is Kerry!"

"You guys came at an unfortunate time. Now there are only two of us left, not three!"

"Did something happen?"

"Just now, that tyrant was taken care of!"

Since he was already dead, they had no intention of pursuing the matter. After all, the more teammates they had, the better. The dead meant nothing to them.

They were not the messengers of justice who always medded in other people's affairs.

"So be it! Would the two of you are willing to follow us to the south?"

The woman saw the two strong men and looked at their crotches. She saw that the two of them had majestic things dangling there.

The heat that had been extinguished earlier was burning again.

She immediately stood between them and extended her hand from behind their back to their crotches.

The two of them were real men. They could not resist such temptation. The small apron made of leaves had been pushed up by their private spots.

Kerry, who was drinking water, saw that the slut in front of him was being horny again, so he said directly, "I still have something to deal with. Wait for me here."

"I'll be back in about an hour!"

Kerry was not stupid. He knew that he was short and incompetent.

What he had done just now was to humiliate this woman because of the pride of a man. He did not expect that this woman would remain indifferent.

Therefore, Kerry did not even have the chance to raise his head and ended the battle.

Moreover, he did not plan to team up with them now.

Kerry had already suffered enough from his daily life, so he naturally wanted freedom when he came to the wilderness.

Therefore, he took this opportunity to tell the three people in front of him that he had something to do and left.

As long as he stayed far away from these people and waited in a safe place for a few hours, Kerry would be able to return to this camp and start living alone again.