Oil Extraction, Combat Item Stores

The 15th day soon arrived. As Maas hasn't faced multiple enemy comat, he got up early in the morning to train.

He also planned for the future battls.

If more than ten people surrounded him, Maas would definitely lose, but now they were in the jungle.

Therefore, he had to know the arrival of the enemy in advance and hide the necessary tools in these fields in advance.

After practising the wilderness fighting technique four times, Maas finally felt tired.

Looking at the naked upper body lines, he could clearly feel that he had become stronger again.

After the training, Maas opened the system as usual and checked the check-in rewards for surviving yesterday.

After the olfactory enhancement (elementary) ability was loaded, Maas' nose could immediately feel all kinds of scents around him.

He could even smell the unique scent of a woman on Shirley in the camp not far away.

"This is a little too exaggerated!" The stronger the ability, the better. After all of his five senses were enhanced, his brain would become more sensitive.

After finishing the training, Maas could tell that Sherry was sleeping the smell in the air.

Then, with a full set of equipment, he walked into the depths of the jungle.

After searching for a while, he found a huge Tung tree.

Due to the recent rain, there were a lot of fruits on the ground around the Tung tree.

Looking at the fruits, Maas immediately bent down and picked them up.

After filling up a barrel, Maas carried the barrel back to the camp.

Not long after Maas left the camp, Shirley woke up. A woman's sixth sense was especially sharp.

Especially when her man was quite far away from her, a sense of crisis would instantly arise.

When Maas returned to the camp and put the things down, Shirley immediately took a piece of fur cloth and handed it over.

Then she walked around the barrel of green fruit and asked, "Can this be eaten?"

Maas saw Shirley take one and quickly said, "This is the fruit of the Tung tree, used to extract oil!"

"I see, no wonder I just felt a familiar smell."

"In the past, there was a Tung tree oil extraction factory around my residence. I could smell this from far away."

"But the factory uses machinery to extract oil. If you collect these things, you won't be able to use them!"

Maas immediately took the boiling water on the bonfire to one side and said to her, "I have other ways to extract oil."

Shirley was already used to Maas' knowledge reserves.

After all, she had not discovered anything that Maas could not do.

After breakfast, Maas was not in a hurry to build the last wall. Instead, he used a few thick pieces of wood to create a huge pestle-like tool.

Then, he made a huge wooden basin with grooves from the tree plate.

After he finished making the tool, Maas found a huge tree and used a woven rope to hang the huge wooden pestle.

Then, he placed the finished thing with grooves, which was similar to a wooden basin, under the wooden pestle.

He poured all the tung fruit in the barrel into it. Then, he began to pull the huge wooden pestle and smashed it quickly.

After a few times, he smashed all the fruits in the wooden basin into pieces. Then, he poured all the tung fruit mud into the wooden bucket.

A bucket of tung fruits only produced a common pulp.

After it was done, Maas poured a third of the bucket of water into the wooden bucket. Then, he covered it with a lid and placed it on the wall at the back of the house.

Seeing Maas' handiwork, Shirley asked curiously, "That's it?"

Maas smiled and replied, "Although this extraction method is very troublesome, the purity of the extracted tung seed oil is very high!"

"After these few days, all the fruits in the bucket will be fermented, and the oil in the pulp will float up."

"At that time, I only need to scoop out all the oil floating on it, and then I can use it directly."

Hearing his words, Sherry had only a half-understanding and did not understand what exactly was going on.

However, she had memorized all these steps.

After completing the extraction of the burning oil, the next step was to look for a strong glass bottle.

By inserting an incendiary item into the bottle and filling it with tung oil, Maas would obtain a very powerful incendiary bomb.

As the seaside had been explored by Maas, and it was not easy to be attacked by the enemy, Maas handed the task to Shirley.

Before leaving, Shirley asked worriedly, "Are you okay by yourself?"

"It's not too late to look for the bottles after I help you build the wall!"

Maas immediately waved his hand and rejected Shirley's suggestion.

"Although there are many bottles, the glass bottles that can be used are very rare, so I'll leave this heavy responsibility to you!"

"When you come back, you can go to the reef by the sea and bring back some salt!"

The main reason for sending Shirley away was that Maas' body had been a little out of control recently. Once he saw some parts of Shirley's body, he could not control himself.

Therefore, in order to be able to work in peace, he arranged for Shirley to go to a safer place by the sea to do some easy things.

It was hard to transport it before was because there were no containers, but it was different now.

Maas had many wooden barrels. He only needed to slightly modify them and he could easily lift them with his hands.

After completing the production of the barrel rope, he found a long rod. With a little processing, Maas could carry two barrels of soil alone.

With this transportation tool, it would be much easier to transport not only fruits and vegetables, but also water in the future.

It only took him two to three hours to transport enough soil to build the wall.

It was the same method as before. After connecting the bamboo to the wall on the side, he mixed the stone with the soil.

After building the strong wall, Maas began to study the structure of the gate.

Because the tools in his hands were not complete, it was very difficult to make the gate.

The traditional gate was not strong enough in the wilderness, and the closed gate was too heavy.

With no other choice, Maas had to prepare the firewood for the wall.

As soon as the fire was lit, Shirley came back from the beach, with a backpack and a bountiful harvest.

She also found a large net bag, and the bag was filled with various kinds of sea fish and crabs.

Seeing Maas' figure from a distance, she shouted at him, "Maas, come quickly! Look what I caught today!"

Maas looked up and saw the contents of the bag in her hand from a few hundred meters away.

Then he glanced at Shirley's clothes and found that it was still dripping, so he quickly took out two large buckets of water.

After taking a shower, Maas had already prepared the fish and sprinkled the natural seasonings that were picked from the jungle.

The two of them ate a seafood dinner around the fire.