Signs of Destruction

After the first airdrop, the live broadcast became more interesting than expected.

The ten consortiums gathered again.

The first phase was perfectly unfolded. Everyone began to plan what they would put in the next airdrop.

In the camp of the northern faction, Veronica was able to walk again.

The first thing this scheming woman did when she got up was to understand the structure of the entire northern faction.

She learned clearly who the leader of the faction was, who the deputy leader was, and how many women there were.

After taking a shower, Veronica searched around for a few fragrant plants, smashed them into mud, and finally smeared the juice of the plants all over her body.

Growing up in a commoner's area, she learned a lot of knowledge about seducing men.

Using this knowledge, she successfully lived a 'good' life in the slums.

One day, she happened to see a wilderness survival program.

At first, she didn't think much of it.

Later, she learned some insider information about the competition through many people.

During this time, she learned a lot about wilderness survival and signed up to participate in the wilderness live broadcast.

Her most important goal was to use men in all ways, so that these men would do everything possible for her.

Veronica's enemies were only women who were more beautiful than herself.

Once she met an enemy who threatened her position, she would do everything to get rid of these people.

Shirley was one of them. From the first time she met her, Veronica was filled with the desire to kill her.

But after many tests, she found a big problem. Shirley was not only beautiful, but also had extraordinary strength.

She was not someone she could shake.

So she kept looking for men to help her kill Shirley.

Previously, the three men Shirley killed went to her because of Veronica.

After repeated failures, Veronica did not give up and continued to look for opportunities.

That led to Shirley bringing Maas back to the camp to get something, when the three of them suddenly attacked Shirley.

But what she did not expect was that Maas suddenly intervened, and this unremarkable man was still so strong.

One wrong step led to another. Very soon, Veronica almost lost her life under Maas' bow and arrow.

This time, she found an even stronger 'helper'. Of course, she had to act as perfectly as possible.

After returning to the camp, she directly pushed open the door of the leader's room.

When she found that there was only one person in the room, she directly walked in.

When she got closer, the fragrance on Veronica body immediately spread.

The handsome Holt Alvin, who was sitting there, was immediately attracted by the fragrance.

As the number of people in the camp decreased, the few women who were originally in the northern faction abandoned him and all joined other camps.

Alvin, who had not tasted women for a long time, reacted down below immediately.

To avoid embarrassment, Alvin quickly stood up.

But what he did not expect was that the woman in front of him grabbed his important parts.

She half-squatted down and pulled his tattered pants apart. She did not mind his part being dirty and immediately helped him with her mouth.

Because of Veronica's amazing technique, Alvin was quickly defeated by her.

After it was over, Alvin picked her up and wanted to move on to the next step, but Veronica quickly raised her hand to stop him.

"My wound hasn't fully recovered yet, so I can't do these things with you."

Hearing this, Alvin immediately stopped what he was doing and calmed down.

He apologized to Veronica, "I'm sorry! I was impulsive!"

Seeing how stupid he was, she immediately said, "Although my body hasn't recovered yet, I can continue to serve you with my hands and mouth!"

As she said that, she continued to squat down.

After everything was over, the two of them lay on the bed together.

After Alvin released his pressure, he began to tell Veronica about his situation.

From the organising of the northern faction, to the three faction war and how there were fewer and fewer people in his faction.

Listening to him tell these things, Veronica thought to herself, "It took me so long, but it turns out that he's also trash."

Sigh! It's really a waste of my time.

While thinking about this, there was not a hint of disgust on her face.

My injuries haven't fully recovered yet. I'll leave this place when the injury on my chest is healed

The next morning, Alvin started to ask Veronica what happened on the north side of the river.

Hearing the inquiry, Veronica immediately added fuel to the fire and said to Alvin, "The last time your people went there to look for help, they soon found my camp.

When I was about to come back with these two people, I was attacked.

I was lucky enough to survive because the arrow in my chest missed the vitals. The other two people have already died thoroughly.

That person had some conflicts with us before. I didn't expect he would make such a dirty move!

Alvin, you must stand up for me!"

The last sentence was so charming that the macho Alvin immediately took action.

"Black Keith, come here for a moment!"

He called the captain of the previous team, Black Keith, into the room.

"The two people who went with you last time are already dead!"

Black Keith was very confused. How did Alvin know.

Looking at Black Keith's confused face, Veronica, who was beside him, repeated the story.

Seeing this scene, Black Keith immediately frowned.

He found that Alvin's eyes were no longer filled with responsibility like in the past. He was completely controlled by this owman.

But he didn't say it directly. He only replied indifferently, "I'll bring people there now!"

Black Keith turned around and left the hut. After leaving, he spat at the door and cursed in a low voice, "What a succubus!"

Soon, he chose four people who were close to him to prepare the things to set off.

Before setting off, Alvin walked out of his hut. After tidying his pants outside the door, he specifically told Black Keith, "Keith, can this mission be completed?"

Black Keith stretched out his hand and gestured an 'OK'. Then, he led the four people away from the northern camp.

On the way, Black Keith told the four people on the side, "When the time comes, don't make a move. Let me talk to him."

Hearing this, the people on the side were very puzzled. "Why? Isn't our mission to kill him? Why are we still talking to him?"

"I've interacted with him once before. He's not the kind of person you think he is. It's most likely because those two idiots were seduced by that woman!"


The four of them listened to Blake Keith's words seriously and had a premonition.