No Way Out

The five of them ran north, and the people behind them chased them as if they were on steroids.

Soon they reached the river, and Keith immediately untied the rope.

After the four of them got on the raft, Keith gave them a push, and they successfully left the shore.

Because there were too many people, the raft was not as fast as they had imagined.

The people on the shore immediately shot at them.

More than a dozen bows and arrows were shot at them, and the arrows fell toward their positions.

The two people who were rowing at the back were quickly shot.

Seeing that the two people could not move, Keith immediately started padding desperately.

Knowing that the arrows could not hit them, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Are the two of them okay?"

"They're alright. It's just that their calves and thighs have been shot!"

"There's not much of a problem."

When they reached the riverside, Keith carried one of them on his back while the other two carried the injured person with one injured leg and left the place cleanly.

But they didn't walk out for long before the lights behind them lit up again. Alvin used another raft to catch up.

"F*ck that damned woman. The next time I see her, I'll definitely kill her with my own hands!"

At this moment, Keith finally realized just how vicious this woman was.

After fleeing all the way, they finally arrived at Maas' territory.

However, there were too many traps here and there was no way for them to see ahead. They could only continue walking along the old road.

They hoped that Maas would notice them.

A few hours had already passed. As they were carrying two injured people, they were getting more and more tired.

The other two took turns carrying the injured. They were too tired to walk.

Keith also felt that his physical strength was about to reach its limit.

At this time, Alvin, who had been chasing them for a long time, finally arrived not far behind them.

"Let's see where you can run to!"

"I asked you to go out and do something, and you actually did such a thing!"

Seeing that the people behind them were getting closer and closer, they had no other choice. They wanted to surrender.

At this moment, an arrow suddenly shot out from the forest and directly hit one of the people's arms.

After a miserable screams, another person was directly shot in the neck.

There were only ten people in total, and in just a few seconds, two people were missing.

Alvin was very distressed, but at this time, he had no choice but to hide.

"Quickly hide, hide behind the tree, they won't be able to shoot!"

But the screams soon came again. Hiding behind the tree, two more traps fell from the top of their heads.

"Fu ~ CK!"

In five minutes, half of the ten people team lost their ability to fight. Alvin immediately thought of retreating.

He glared at Keith in the distance and left with his team unwillingly.

After confirming that the enemy had retreated, Maas brought Shirley to Keith's side.

"It's only been half a day. What happened?"

Keith did not answer Maas' question. He directly asked for help, "Please save them!"

"They are my good brothers who I brought to the Northern faction!" As he said that, he knelt down to Maas.

Before he knelt down, Maas helped him up and said, "Take the people and follow me!"

After returning to the camp, Maas found a huge leaf and laid it on the ground. Then, he spread some hay on it.

Then, he took out five bottles of first aid from the cabin of the camp...

On the other side, Alvin returned to the camp at noon.

One of the ten people who chased out and died, while three were injured. This time, he finally understood why Keith did not fight with these two people.

The first thing he did when he returned to the camp was to look for Veronica, but he could not find her voice anywhere in the camp.

At this time, Alvin realized that he had been deceived!

"Damn it! !@@ #% ..." Just as he finished cursing, the sound of smashing came from the hut.

Hearing the leader's words, everyone in the camp realized that they had been deceived by that woman.

In Maas' territory, the two people who had been shot in the legs and feet had been treated by Maas.

When Keith saw this scene, he quickly thanked him, "Thank you very much for your help!"

"You don't have to thank me. I can only say that you were very lucky to have met me."

"What are your plans from now on?"

Keith thought for a moment and made a bold decision.

"Let us follow you in the future! Not only do you have strength, but you also have a lot of knowledge. I think we can live to the end if we follow you!"

"It doesn't matter whether we get a bonus or Not!"

Maas thought for a moment and still rejected them.

"It's already very difficult for the two of us to survive. There's no way to concern your safety at all!"

Keith immediately said, "We're not good-for-nothings. You can arrange for us to do things!"

"We can do whatever you want!"

Standing there and thinking for a long time, Maas still rejected them, but he helped them think of a way out.

"How about this!"

"Follow this road north. When you see a shabby camp, head west."

"There's a very spacious camp there. You can move there directly

"The person living in that camp is called Kerry. You just have to tell him that I introduced him to you

"I can't always bring you along, but if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can send someone to look for me for help!"

Since Maas had already said this, Keith had no other choice but to nod his head.

At this time, Maas took out a rack used to transport soil and handed it to them.

"Transport them one by one. I'll take care of the people who stay here for the time being!"

Seeing as they were too miserable, Shirley immediately took out a lot of jerky from the kitchen and handed it to Keith.

She prayed for them, "May you all be well!"

After resting for a few hours in the camp, they carried one of the wounded away on a stretcher.

They didn't turn back until the evening to take the other wounded away.

After they left, Shirley said to Maas, "I didn't expect your intuition to be so sharp!"

Maas shrugged helplessly and explained, "From the beginning, I felt that Keith was different from others. He has always had the opposite character of the people in the faction."

"Because of his honesty based on principles, he will definitely be used and ostracized by Veronica!"

Although what happened was more bizarre than Maas had imagined, it was not much different from what Maas had guessed.

After hearing this, Shirley immediately felt a sense of strangeness from Maas.

But this made her very happy. Shirley really wanted to know how much Maas would grow.

'The stronger you are, the more hopeful my future will be!'

On the 17th day, the number of participants was 390/1,000. Maas was ranked 8th in the regionals and 65th in the world.