Eastern Faction

In the pitch-black night, a man poked his head out of a room in the southern faction and looked around.

When he saw that there was no one around, he flipped through the window at the back.

His movements were gentle, and it was obvious that he was not doing anything appropriate.

He hid in the grass and waited for the patrol team to leave. Using this gap, he ran out of the forest.

He headed east. When he was about to see the sea, he reached the camp of the eastern faction.

After entering the camp, he lit a torch and drew a few marks in the air.

Someone in the camp immediately walked towards him.

This mysterious person was the spy sent by the eastern faction to the southern faction.

In order not to be noticed by the enemy, the eastern faction's advisor, Liu Can, deliberately deceived the people of both sides.

In Liu Can's words, "To deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people!"

Therefore, every time the lurker returned, Liu Can would bring the combat team leader Lang Gong to meet with him.

After seeing the two people, the lurker immediately told them everything about the recent situation.

"What? The northern faction has been destroyed!"

"Why is that?"

The lurker immediately told them about Veronica.

"Just because of a few women, they directly rushed into Jacob's base!"

"They deserved to be wiped out in the end."

After exchanging information, the lurker rushed back overnight.

After receiving the news, Liu Can immediately called their leader, Diao Luo.

The three of them entered the meeting room.

Liu Can raised his hand and slapped the table. "Diao Luo, we might have to make a big move this time!"

Diao Luo, who had just woken up from the woman's arms, was not very interested in this matter.

Liu Can glanced at Diao Luo's face and immediately reprimanded, "I told you! Don't be infatuated by beauty!"

"Look at your face. You look like a ghost!"

Hearing Liu Can's words, Diao Luo immediately covered his ears and said, "I've already said that I only like women. Being a leader is not suitable for me at all!"

"Everything else is up to you to decide!" After saying that, he stood up, turned around and walked out of the door.

Looking at the receding figure, Liu Can sighed to himself, 'You're helpless. One day I will abolish you!'

Then, he reincarnated and told Lang Guan his plan.

After Lang Guan heard Liu Can's transformation, he repeated, "You mean, you want me to take a small team to check if the northern faction was destroyed like the secret agent said!"

"Then, bring the team through the river not far away from the northern faction and continue heading north to check out the situation there!"

Lang Gong seemed to be careless, but this man was very talented.

After listening to the recount, Liu Can nodded and said seriously, "This investigation concerns our future, so please make sure to record it in detail."

Lang Gong picked at his ear with his little finger and answered absent-mindedly, "Yes, yes, yes! I got it. We'll set off in a while."

Looking at the people in the camp, Liu Can had anger in his chest.

He immediately walked into his own barracks and tore the rags off the beautiful oriental woman who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

A few minutes later, a series of "Mm mm, Ah ah" sounds could be heard.

Lang Gong led a four-man team and prepared some things before leaving the camp.

On the way, Lang Gong could not help but lament, "Seriously, they make me do the most troublesome things!"

"While they are enjoying the wonderful bodies in the camp!"

"This time, I must go out and find a pretty woman to play with!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people behind him echoed, "Captain Lang Gong, when the time comes, don't forget us!"

"All the women in the camp have been divided by them. We haven't even had a drop of soup until now!"

"When we go out this time, you must let us enjoy it too."

Hearing this, Lang Gong turned around and said with a face like a pig, "Of course!"

"How can I forget about my good brothers!"

Before dawn, they had already reached the northern faction through the jungle.

After searching for a while, they found that there was nothing left in the camp.

All the useful things were moved away. What was left behind were these small houses that were about to collapse.

"It seems that the northern faction has really been destroyed!"

"Next, it's time for us to dominate this area!"

Therefore, they lit a fire in this camp and rested until sun rise before leaving.

Soon, they passed through the river and continued north and arrived at the area that was covered with skulls.

After taking a look inside, Lang Gong found countless traps and immediately stopped the four people behind them from moving forward.

"Don't move!"

"The signs here are not fake!" As he said that, he pointed at a few traps and introduced them to his subordinates.

"It's better for us to leave this place alone. Unless we have no other choice, it's better not to enter this place!"

After saying that, he walked around the area and headed northwest.

Walking to the end of the west, Lang Gong soon found the primate group and immediately left with the people behind him.

They continued to follow another road to the north and arrived at Shirley's old camp. Lang Gong did not pay attention to the old camp, but only looked at the wall to the north.

"I didn't expect the officials to invest this much!"

"They've actually surrounded the entire Amazon forest with a wall!"

After a few minutes of being in a daze, Lang Gong led his subordinates to the west.

After a while, they quickly found Kerry and Keith's camp.

In order to get a clearer picture of the total number of people in the camp, the five of them split up and searched for multiple locations, observing the movements of the people in the camp.

A day passed very quickly. The Sun gradually set, and they found that there were only five people in this camp.

Moreover, two of them were injured on their legs.

Lang Gong got the information he wanted and left this place with his subordinates.

"This is too boring! I didn't expect that there wasn't even a slightly bigger organization in this area!"

Before nightfall, they returned to the edge of Maas' territory.

Lang Gong suddenly felt a chill coming from behind him and quickly turned around to check the surroundings.

However, he didn't find anyone.

"? My sixth sense can't be wrong? What's going on today!"

Hearing this, Maas, who was hiding behind a tree in the distance, wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This person is actually so sensitive. I only peeked out to take a look, but he actually noticed something!"

Because the distance was only fifty meters, it was really too close.

With no other choice, Maas could only stand behind the tree and wait.

The five people seemed to be tired from walking, so they immediately found a rock and sat down.

Then, a fire was lit in front of them, and they took out all the food in their backpacks.

They ate and talked.

Lang Gong said, "I heard that the northern faction was destroyed by a woman!"

When the people behind heard this, they were curious and asked, "What kind of woman is she? She can actually make a faction collapse!"

"I'm not too sure about the details, but that's all I know!"

"I heard that the woman had a bow and arrow pierced through her chest, and she's a total slut!"

Speaking of these topics, the four people who followed immediately perked up.

"How did you know that he was a slut and not a normal woman?"

Lang gong: "I heard it from the secret agent!"

"That woman lived right next to him. That night, that woman had been with their camp's captain for an entire night!"

"Furthermore, the water that flowed to the ground flowed all the way down the slope into his room!"


"With such a woman going to wreaking havoc in the southern faction, we might be able to win without even fighting!"

The four of them looked at each other.


Lang Gong immediately laughed and said, "Hahaha! If they do this with that woman every day, no one will be able to fight us."

"Then we win!"

After hearing Lang Gong's words, the four of them immediately echoed, "When we win against the Southern faction, you must let us have a taste of that woman!"

"There's no way our four whips can't f*ck her to death!"

If they did not try, they would not understand. One day, when the four of them met Veronica, they would know what a real 'multiplayer sport' was.