Reaping the Soul Calming Fruit!

The Flying Lizard that had lost consciousness had zero intelligence. Even if it had combat instincts, it would not consider what soul skill to use.

At this moment, the thought process of its soul skill was very simple: Defeat this little bug quickly.

The Flying Lizard, which was in a temporarily stunned state, could not avoid the Raging Flame Strike.

The scorching flames accompanied by powerful force struck its head.

Its head felt dizzy and the scorching flames made it unable to maintain its flying posture. Its body swayed.

But it did not stop there.

Instead, its eyes suddenly landed on Wang Che.

He was stunned.

Something was wrong. This guy had lost consciousness. The one attacking it was the green caterpillar. It should only be thinking about the green caterpillar.

Why was it looking at him?

Unless it was conscious?

"No, its consciousness might have awakened a little… It shouldn't be… Could it be this place…"