Worm Breaking Through the Heavens

Professor Yan's entire body suddenly twitched as his hair stood up… It was as if he had been electrocuted.

He collapsed to the ground… He finally understood the content of the document…


The Magnetic Sword let out a pleased laugh, and the red light on its body flickered again.

Then, the light gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, Professor Yan was shocked, "Oh no!"

The light on the Magnetic Sword could not disappear.

Once it disappeared, it meant that the mechanical energy in its body had also disappeared, and its consciousness would also disappear.

In the end, only an ancient soul device sword hilt was left… Simply put, the soul pet would die.

Professor Yan endured the numbness in his body. He was a Contract Soul Master and his physique was very strong. It was not to the extent that he could not take the blow just now.