Impossible to Grade! An Unexpected Perfect Score!

The light was extremely dazzling. Everyone could even feel a faint pressure.

"This is…" The chief examiner's eyes were filled with shock. Because he was the closest, he could see everything clearly.

It was different from the previous projected holographic images.

Although the holographic projection was very realistic, the martial soul awakening from the human body was genuine!

After seeing the awakened martial soul, the chief examiner finally understood why the middle-aged examiner had lost his composure earlier.

This palace was too terrifying.

From a construction point of view, the seven war zones today each had various landmarks.

However, compared to this palace, the feeling was inferior.

They were far inferior.

Of course, they could not say the exact details.

"Rainbow light… Why would a rainbow light appear from the energy fluctuations emitted by the martial soul… This doesn't make sense…"