Trip to Glory Capital

"What's even more embarrassing is that you're all reputable professors and scholars in the world of soul pet research. You've all won countless awards and honors. What you didn't manage to resolve was settled by a student?"

"That's not the most embarrassing thing! The most embarrassing thing is that they've already settled it, but you still can't understand anything!"

"Really, if word gets out, everyone can dig a hole and hide in it."

The woman was extremely angry.

There was no mercy in her words.

Many professors, scholars, and researchers below the stage did not dare to look up.

"This, Director He, it's not that we can't tell… That Magnetic Sword is really strange… In battle, it could even absorb the intense electric shock of the Lightning Roaring Tiger… Clearly, it underwent some special mutation… Unless we can bring it back and study it carefully…"