I Don't Need A Man To Like Me

"…" The figure seemed to be stunned.

The figure seemed unwilling to admit defeat as she continued, "Not yet, unless you say you love him."

This time, Lin Xi said without thinking, "I love him. Aunt Yan, go ahead."

"…" The figure.

"Miss Xi, ordinary people can't understand your personality." The figure laughed, "The people of your Lin family are good at speaking without restraint. It's really passed down from generation to generation and is engraved in your bones."

"Whether you like him or not, I can tell if it's true. I'm very experienced in this aspect."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or false. It's fine as long as I achieve my goal," Lin Xi said.

"Alright, then when I see that Student Wang, I'll tell him that it's a classmate called Lin Xi who likes you and asked me to come. You don't mind, right?" The figure continued to smile.

"I don't mind, because with his intelligence, he won't believe you," Lin Xi said.