Is That Really a Green Caterpillar?

The green caterpillar jumped off the platform.

In today's competition, the randomly chosen terrain was ordinary.

Without the restriction of an elemental terrain, neither side could not use the terrain.

Only pure strength mattered.

The attribute did not matter.

"Both sides' soul pets have entered the competition ground. The competition is about to begin!" Hu Tao shouted. Looking at the species and size of the two soul pets, her expression was strange.


The Magpie Immortal Dragon let out a clear and elegant dragon roar. It circled the high platform and flew down.

Its posture was elegant and graceful, manifesting the aura of a dragon-type soul pet.

On the other side… Hmm, the green caterpillar jumped down. It was… very cute.

In its complete form, the Magpie Immortal Dragon was nearly six meters tall, close to the range of a medium-sized soul pet.

Its wings were almost ten meters long.