The Little Caterpillar's Insect Rage Fire Lotus!

The Titan Beast was stunned again.

This Green Worm could transform?

In its vision, as the scorching light that shot into the sky shrank rapidly, the little caterpillar's body also began to change violently.

Fire-like patterns began to appear on its body, and its entire body was wrapped in wisps of scarlet-green flames. Its aura became stronger again.

The originally cold air quickly began to fill with a scorching aura.

The little caterpillar that had entered the Flame Awakening state roared again.

A scorching airflow even scattered the dark clouds.

Floating in the air, its entire body was burning with a fire phantom. Coupled with its current True Dragon form, it instantly completed a special change!

It was like a super evolution.

In this state, the fire soul skills unleashed by the little caterpillar would reach an extremely terrifying level!