Lightning Sweeping Army!

Wang Che followed Kong Shijin and the other students to the central square of the Forest Forest Academy.

It was surrounded by people.

"Is Senior Ming Luan the one who fought the longest?"

"Even a few third-year Battle Soul seniors didn't last so long?"

"Is that the Edgeless Sword? It feels like a mountain."

"The key is that he hasn't even used his soul pet! It's ridiculous! A Level 20 Contract Soul Master can fight a soul pet with a thousand year soul power cultivation with his physical body… what kind of cultivation did he go through?"

"It's mainly because he seems to have cultivated a special secret inheritance sword technique. Other than possessing two soul skills, he also knows very powerful sword techniques!"


When Wang Che arrived, he saw that in the center, Shen Mingluan's Glazed Green Luan was fighting a black-haired youth with a large sword.

The huge sword was indeed huge, larger than everyone else.