Mental Imaging, King of Foods Competition

"It's almost over. The records are about to be released. You should check them online first. The calculations for the badge at the Delicacy Conference are the same as the badge given online," Principal Nan reminded.

After the booth gave the corresponding contestant a badge, it would also leave a badge record for the other party online.

They calculated it on both ends for accuracy.

This was mainly to prevent some contestants from trading Delicacy Badges and breaking the rules of the conference.

For example, if a person only had five to six badges, he would definitely not get an award.

However, if he sold them to others, it would be very unfair to the rest.

Therefore, normally, after the booth distributed the badge to the contestant, it would leave a record on the app.

When the conference was about to end, he could check.

Only when the records online were the same as the badges obtained could the results be counted.