
The professors were silent.

They did not see what they wanted to see, but they were surprised to see this scene.

They were really shocked.

Moreover, this little caterpillar was so familiar with the operation.

It was obvious that this was not the first time…

"This is Wang Che's green caterpillar?"

Professor Yun took a closer look, "His little caterpillar already knows how to cook?"

"That can't be, right?"

The work with the highest score was actually made by a little caterpillar?

Seeing was believing. If they did not see it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

This made the professors feel very complicated.

"Even a bug has to be at such a high level. We can't let other students see this video."

Principal Nan said, "Otherwise, this will probably affect their confidence."

As he spoke, Principal Nan glanced at the Greedy Duck beside him.

The professors: "???"

That made sense.