Netherworld Ghost Flame


The Magnetic Sword came out of the scabbard. Its entire body was filled with lightning arcs. With two crisp mechanical sounds, the Lightning Sword Wings spread out.

Sword light flashed as two sword spirit phantoms quickly separated from its body!

The phantoms gradually condensed as different lightning bolts wrapped around the two sword spirit phantoms.

In the air, the energy suddenly changed. With three Magnetic Swords wrapped around different directions, the entire area seemed to be covered in rolling thunderclouds.

Boundless energy poured down as the sword formation quickly formed!

Wang Che stood at the side and nodded slightly.

With the Lightning Spirit Pills, the Magnetic Sword had completely grasped the Three Lightning Origin Sword Formation.

When the formation was used, it did not feel unfamiliar. The Magnetic Sword was already very familiar with it.