Class Reunion, Flame Wings

Wang Che briefly shared the interesting farming life in university with Father Wang and Mother Wang.

Interesting referred to using the little caterpillar to farm.

Loosening the soil, planting, watering, harvesting, and nurturing the seeds.

It could be said to be a farming chain.

"So, after you went to university, the little caterpillar started farming for you?"

Mother Wang was shocked when she heard that. She looked at Wang Che in surprise, "Your father and I are both ordinary people, but you've become a capitalist? This little guy is still a child, but you're ordering it around?"

She looked at the little caterpillar that was eating leaves and chatting with the Magnetic Sword.

It looked pitiful.

"Son, this little guy is only a year old, right?" Father Wang said, "Aren't you going too far?"

At this point, Father Wang paused and said, "It has to at least be two years old before you order it around! How can you do this?"